Whether you are just entering college or are going into your final year, it is never too late to better your Worcester experience! Check out some of these apps, and maybe you’ll find one of your new college essentials!

Created by a mother of three concerned about the sexual future of our society, YES to SEX allows users to agree or disagree to both consent and protection in less than 25 seconds. The app aims to allow sexual partners to take a step back and avoid miscommunication, as well as avoiding the more than 1.7 million STDs that are transmitted every month. Available on iTunes and Google Play; free.

Hey There
Sick of feeling like you are getting nowhere with dating apps? Try this new Worcester-based app made to mimic real-life dating more than any other app currently does. Whether you are single yourself or want to help your friend find someone, hey there is for you. Get you friends’ opinions on everyone that you talk to on the app or act as a winger for them and introduce them to people you believe would be a good match! Hey there “has your back,” just like all of your closest friends. Available on iTunes; free.

In college, it feels like everyone is always owing everyone else money. Download Venmo for an easy fix. On Venmo, send and receive payments that you can then immediately transfer to your bank account with just one click. Cut nagging between your friends and pay each other back right away with a few clicks! Available on iTunes and Google Play; free.

Woo Pass
Learn about all things Woo with this app. Find events, discounts, deals and more from venues all over the city. Look up information about venues and find the best place for anything, from grabbing a coffee to where to go for a weekend outing. Sign up to get notifications from your favorite places! Available on iTunes and Android; free.

Never sit through a bad date again. With bod (bad online dates), leave your dud date and find a new potential date in your area within minutes. Find your Plan B by putting the app into Date Mode, where you will discover others that are in your same situation or just looking for a date. Take control of your bad date because, as bod’s slogan says, “Seriously, nobody likes a bad date. Change your odds with bod.” Available on iTunes and Google Play; free.

“Waiting in line sucks,” says Worcester based Slydde (and anyone else who’s ever waited in line at a bar), so why not order your drinks without the line? With Slydde, you can order your drink on the app, show your confirmation number to the bartender and grab your drink. So easy. Earn points by using the app and receive discounts, skip ahead in the Slydde queue or even get a free drink. Get rewards by just going out to your favorite Worcester bars! Available on iTunes and Android; free.

Colleges of Worcester Consortium
This app is great for any college student in Worcester looking to become more involved in the city. Find events happening around Worcester, every school’s academic calendar and shuttle and bus schedules to get around the city easily. Also, search for classes offered through the 12 Worcester Consortium colleges and universities to all students enrolled in these schools. Available on iTunes; free.

By Carly O’Brien