By Steph Moore

Meet Katie Finnegan and Erica Bell, co-founders of They just might become the best thing to happen to your Inbox…ever! Why, you ask? Because they’ve come up with a button that lives in your browser, so it’s always there when you shop online. And what does this Hukkster button do? When you’re shopping online and you find, say, a pair of boots you love, you simply “Hukk it” ~ and you’ll automatically get a notification by email or text (your choice) when the price on the boots drops.

  • Sign up through Facebook
  • Browse all your favorite online stores.
  • See a product you like? Hukk it (save it to your list)!
  • Wait to be notified when your item goes on sale ~ no more Inbox overflowing with deals and special offers on products you don’t care about!

Trust me, Hukking is going to save you time, money, and aggravation ~ so check out for a super-quick video tutorial on how it works, and start saving on all your online shopping (perfect timing, too, with the holidays coming up)!