Okay, so I’m sure there’s at least one character in one of the games you play that you’ve actually imagined becoming. Whether it’s a quirky personality or badass looks, something about him or her makes you want to be them. Well, what’s stopping you?
Costume play, more commonly known as cosplay, is becoming more and more popular. Of course, this type of dress-up is generally much more elaborate than the typical Halloween costume that just involves a mask and some black clothes ~ although, some cosplays can be quite simple depending on the character.
Many cosplays take months to plan out and build ~ after all, many characters have elaborate armor and weaponry that can’t be built overnight. Along the same lines, there are many costumes which involve intricate leather work or sewing, and that, too, can take weeks or even months to complete.
So, if this is more than just a Halloween costume, where do you get to show off your hard work? These are various conventions where people can go to both enjoy their hobby and show off their killer cosplays. For us gamers, there is PAX East, which will be happening next year in Boston on March 24th – 26th.
Thousands of gamers flock to this event, fully dressed as every character imaginable. From old school classics like Samus to the more modern day ladies like Chell from Portal, you’ll see it all. But don’t worry guys, cosplay isn’t just for the ladies. There are plenty of male character options, too! Or, if you guys and girls feel like being unique, you can always try a gender bend cosplay, where you assume the character as though he / she were the opposite sex! Those make for some really interesting results sometimes. Sexy Mario, anyone?
Alright, you’ve got the low down on what this whole cosplay deal is about. Now, you’ve got about five months to start (or continue) building your cosplay for PAX East! Remember, the key is to have fun, and remember:
1. Pick a character you really like; it’s a blast to actually get into character when you’re at PAX.
2. Don’t worry about every little detail. Your cosplay doesn’t have to be perfect, as long as people recognize who you are, you’ve done it right!
3. Pace yourself ~ cosplays are super difficult to pull off last minute. Give yourself plenty of time to complete your cosplay. Don’t pick something that you don’t think you can finish!
I hope to see some awesome cosplays at PAX next year, and I’ll be joining the fun as Sona, a character from League of Legends!
For more info on PAX East, be sure to visit east.paxsite.com.