Dr. Singh is the founder and CEO of Arch Dental Associates and has a few surprising tips on preventing bad breath. Do you have any upcoming dates or parties on your calendar? Bad breath can leave a terrible first impression. Contrary to what you might think, popping a breath mint or swishing mouthwash may not always be the best answer. Mints may temporarily mask the problem but they wear off quickly ~ so check out these in-the-moment fixes and long-term solutions from Dr. Singh!
- Eliminate bad breath immediately by eating an ORANGE. The citric acid stimulates the salivary glands and
encourages the flow of breath-freshening saliva
- Fearing after-dinner stale breath?: Order the CHEESE plate instead of dessert: Not only does the bacteria in cheese combat bad breath, you get a giant boost of calcium
- Don’t have a toothbrush handy? CELERY, CARROTS, and APPLES contain fibers that get into the crevices between teeth and clean them by acting like miniature toothbrushes
- Best meal for your teeth: A SALAD with Greek yogurt dressing . . . salads require plenty of chewing, which promotes saliva production, and the fibers in the salad leaves sweep the teeth clean. The yogurt dressing fights bad breath.
EAT YOGURT. – Studies have shown that the active bacteria in yogurt, specifically Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, may have a beneficial effect on odor-causing bacteria in the mouth
BRUSH AND FLOSS DAILY. You may be feeling lazy but this is an absolute must! Plaque and bacteria that accumulates on your teeth and under your gumline may be the underlying cause of odor. Also be sure to visit your dentist twice a year for a checkup and professional cleaning.
STOP SMOKING or chewing tobacco-based products. Need I say more?
AVOID BAD BREATH FOODS– Coffee, onions and garlic all affect your breath. Not the ideal choices for date night.