211coverIn past years for our annual Fitness and Health issue, we’ve brought you interviews with celebrities in the body building world (Jay Cutler), fitness models (Tianna Ta), world-class Jiu-Jitsu artists (Abmar Barbosa), stars of fitness DVDs (Shaun T of “Hip Hop Abs”), and many other stories on runners, power lifters, yoga practitioners, swimmers, nutritionists, and dancers. We’ve also interviewed some of the best, toughest fitness instructors and personal trainers around.

But this year, we’ve decided to let you, our readers, ask the questions. So after talking with students on local campuses, people out enjoying a night on the town, friends, and the ever-popular “man (and woman!) on the street,” we’d compiled a pretty diverse collection of questions. And to give you the answers, we enlisted the help of two of our favorite Certified Personal Trainers, Craig Lindberg of Optimal Performance Center (www.opcfitness.com) and Brittany Abraham of bodyMATRIX (www.bodymatrixworc.com); these two professionals really know their stuff. We hope that you will all benefit from ~ and be inspired by ~ their expertise and suggestions!

Ask Brittany

(pictured below)

brittny-copyI have worn high heels since I was a teenager, and recently a doctor told me I have shrunk [shortened] my Achilles tendons and that’s why it’s now difficult for me to wear flats. Are there any exercises I can do to stretch the tendons safely? F, 28
Absolutely. First of all, never stretch any muscle, tendon, or ligaments without first warming up. Once you have warmed up through moderate cardio activity (walking, biking, etc.) you can stretch the Achilles tendon by placing the balls of your feet on a platform and gently allowing gravity to pull your heels towards the floor. Try both heels (weight evenly distributed) if your Achilles tendons are especially tight or try one at a time if you can stand a little more intense of a stretch. Hold each stretch for 20 – 25 seconds and complete the stretch 3 times daily.

Is it true that if you use weights, you’ll continue to burn fat for up to 24 hours after your work out?
F, 27

Unfortunately, this is not exactly the case. Studies have shown that after an aerobic workout (high intensity, prolonged cardio) the caloric burn will continue for about 48 hours post-workout, burning about 15% calories more. With a strength training workout, however, the caloric burn only continued for 60-90 minutes post-workout. It is thought that, due to the rest between sets of strength training exercises, the body is able to recover more quickly. Keep in mind that strength training, on the other hand, builds muscle mass and allows for the resting metabolic rate (the amount of calories you burn at rest) to increase over time.

I’m sure I speak for a lot of women who’ve had babies when I say that I’m having such a hard time losing the “baby pooch.” Almost all the rest of the baby weight is gone, but the pooch is hanging on for dear life! F, 24
This is a tough question to answer because it’s not 100% black and white. If you gained a significant amount of weight during your pregnancy, you may have gained some excess fat which has begun to reside in the lower abdomen or “pooch” area. If this is the case, you can lose this excess fat through cardiovascular activity such as walking, running, biking, etc. Conversely, if you lost all of the baby weight and you’ve noticed some excess skin in the lower abdomen area, not accompanied by fatty tissue as well, this could simply be skin that has lost its elasticity from the pregnancy. If the latter is the case, my suggestion would be to discuss your options with your physician ~ as everyone and everybody is a little different.

trainer-copyWhat’s the best fat burning exercise? F, 30
“Fat burning” is an interesting term. Most people refer to fat burning from a weight loss standpoint, and if that’s the case, the answer would be much different from a metabolic answer. Brief overview ~ your body breaks down fats, carbs, and proteins, based on the activity you’re doing and how hard you’re working at doing it. So, from a metabolic standpoint ~ your body burns the MOST fat during a lower intensity steady-state (constant) exercise such as walking at 50-60% of your heart rate max for 60 minutes. Now back to the real answer. If you are asking because you want to lose weight and fat, the answer is interval exercises at a high intensity. Basically, if you challenge yourself at a near-max intensity (think sprinting, or lifting really heavy weights) and then allow your body a small period of rest prior to jumping back in full-force, you challenge all of your systems, burn the max number of calories in the smallest amount of time, and will lose more weight/ fat based on quantity of calories burned. Sound confusing? Basically, working hard burns more calories than working longer at a lower intensity.

What is the best ratio of cardio to weights to do for a weekly routine?
Ah yes, the age-old question. I know what you really want is a direct answer, but unfortunately I’m going to have to give you the typical “It depends what your goal is” speech. Sorry, I didn’t want to, but I have to. Are you trying to lose weight? Are you trying to gain strength? Are you trying to increase your stamina and endurance? Each goal yields a different recipe of strength training and cardio. Also, the number of sessions will really depend on what’s going to work best with your schedule. The one thing I can say is that every goal needs both. Don’t skimp on strength training because you know that cardio can blast fat and you’re trying to lose weight ~ strength training is equally important. Conversely, strength training is essential if you want to gain strength (yeah, I know, duh) BUT everyone has seen those “chubby” big guys ~ so do your cardio as well. Balance is the key to success here.

Is it more beneficial to work out at a certain time of day (early in the AM versus late at night)? F, 30
No. The key here is to figure out what works for you and what you can stick with. If you’re not a morning person, don’t force yourself to workout in the morning – you’ll A) never stick with it and B) dread every second of the time you do stick with it. On the other hand, don’t commit to an afternoon workout program if you have a demanding job, three kids under the age of 10, and a sick parent at home. Things come up, and your workout is going to be the first thing that gets shoved violently off the list.

I’ve been reading a lot of media reports that stretching before cardio (running, for example) isn’t as important as once thought.  What are your feelings on this? F, 30
My feelings are that I wish these studies had come out sooner. I couldn’t agree more and while I find that tissue quality and stretching is very important, the timing of this stretching is really what’s important. First of all, stretching cold (or without proper warm-up) has been proven to do much more harm than good. So, if you insist on stretching before your workout – please do so after doing some light to moderate cardio for 5-10 minutes. Second, static stretching (holding a stretch in one position for an extended period of time) is really a thing of the past. A) Studies have shown it isn’t effective in injury prevention (as once thought) and B) stretching a muscle group prior to strength training can actually decrease the amount of weight that muscle group can lift during that session. So what’s more effective? Ballistic stretching has been used in strength and conditioning for years and is a wonderful way to “ready” the body – muscle groups, tendons, ligaments, etc. – for activity. Ballistic stretching is moving the muscle groups through various motions without stopping or holding, allowing the body to warm-up functionally. Some examples, slow walking lunges, side moving squats, high knees, shoulder circles, etc. Static stretching still has it’s place – AFTER your workout. Once your body has gone through rigorous training, feel free to stretch the affected muscle groups in a static fashion. Before your workout, static stretching is for comfort (to ease your mind) while ballistic stretching will really ready you for movement and training. Post-workout, static stretching will help you recover, and foam rolling can work post-workout for tissue quality.

When people are vegan or raw vegan, how might that affect their work-out plans?  F, 30
Well, the bottom line here is that the two building blocks to your workout are carbs for energy and protein for rebuilding. So, if someone is an inexperienced Vegan, he or she often doesnt get enough protein in his/her diet and therefore has trouble rebuilding muscle after a workout. This will affect their strength ~ and gaining strength or muscle endurance will be tougher than for someone who has a more balanced diet. If you are thinking about becoming Vegan, make sure you get plenty of protein from sources like Tofu, nuts, and beans. I would strongly recommend consulting with a registered dietician or nutritionist if you are considering this diet and are serious about training and fitness.

This might sound like a silly question, but do ACE bandages really do any good? It seems like you have to wrap them so tightly before they provide any stabilization that you wind up cutting off your circulation. M, 30
I am not a physician, so I can really only give my opinion here. But with that said, my opinion is that ACE bandages are more of a psychological fix than a physiological fix. When an ACE bandage is applied, two things often happen ~ A) you think you’re better off, safer and less likely to hurt or re-injure that area of the body and B) you remain aware of the injury and are more likely to be consciously careful while participating in anything fitness-related. The problem here is that you will often baby an injury instead of getting it checked out by a professional, or continuing to use it in order to strengthen the auxiliary muscles and soft tissue which can often help alleviate the pain. My take ~ if it hurts, go see a doc. If it’s weak, consult a professional to figure out how you can strengthen it.

Seems like 6-packs are getting really common, so more and more guys are aiming for eight packs. What exercises will yield me that extra muscle definition? M, 19
Every body is different, and everybody builds muscle a little differently. The first thing to take into account here is your body fat. It doesn’t matter if you have 12-pack if you have a 2 inch layer of adipose tissue (the nice term for fat) on top of it. So, if that’s the case, you’ll have to do cardio to get rid of the fat before you can really work on the definition aspect. If that’s not the case, and you have a low body fat percentage, the key to muscle definition is muscle fatigue. Make sure you are completing exercises to the point where the muscle groups (in this case, your transverse abdominals, abdominal wall, and obliques) are truly fatigued so that changes and rebuilding occurs. As for actual exercises, stay functional. Kettlebells are hands-down the best exercise tools for you abs because every swing, lift, etc. forces you to engage your entire core. The roman chair (where you hang and lift either bent or straight legs towards your chest) is a great way to target the lower abs as well. Planks (on elbows or hands, on a stability or BOSU) are also a great exercise to really challenge your midsection. My suggestion, stay away from basics such as crunches, sit-ups etc. and ask a fitness professional for some challenging functional exercises so that you can target the correct muscle groups and really see results.

dscf7216-copyI am in general a very muscular person.  I want to stay strong, but being female I find that weight training “bulks me up” too much which is not what I want at all…especially in my arms.  How do you get the lean and feminine look while doing beneficial weight training? F, 33
Train for strength. A common misconception is that strength training with the traditional heavy weight/ low rep combo will allow females to “bulk up,” but in reality it’s the quickest way to get and stay strong without adding bulk. Bulk is created by two things ~ genetics (sorry, but it’s true ~ feel free to thank mom) and the excessive muscle fatigue and rebuilding. Basically, the way that bodybuilders get as big as they are isn’t because they’re lifting super heavy weights a few times a week, but rather they are training a few times a day, 5-6 days per week. This constant training (constant training and rebuilding) results in mass, while heavy weights/ low reps results in strength. You should be strength training all major muscle groups 2 – 3 times per week and doing cardio as well. When strength training, lift weights that make a set of 8 reps nearly impossible to complete (do 2 – 3 sets). Then, when 8 reps becomes easy, instead of adding more reps, increase your weight by 2.5 – 5 pounds.

We just moved into a new house with a huge unfinished basement. I want to start building a gym down there. What kind of floor should I put down (it’s concrete now) and what are the first pieces of equipment I should purchase (we’re on a really tight budget)? M, 37
They actually have something called “gym flooring,” which is a foam-based interlocking flooring perfect for a home gym. The key is to make sure it can serve as a shock absorber for your joints if you plan to do any explosive movements (jumping, etc.) in the area. As for equipment, I’m a huge proponent of free weight and stability equipment. Forget the expensive machines ~ you can go walk, jog, or bike outside for half the cost. Instead, invest in some dumbbells (the adjustable ones are awesome but a bit pricier), a stability ball, a mat for floor work, a jump rope, and if you have some money left over, a BOSU ball and a TRX suspension system. There isn’t a muscle group you can’t target with the equipment, and it’s easily portable if you have to move or store the equipment.

I can’t believe I’m asking this! OK, so I’m only 22 and I wear a 34C bra. I take 3 aerobics classes a week plus I jump rope at home. Some people have told me that if I don’t wear a super-strong sports bra (I usually just wear a normal bra) when I’m jumping, after a while my boobs are going to stretch out and sag. Is that true? F, 22
Your breasts are held in place by tissue and ligaments that run through both muscle and fat tissue – and no scientific evidence has suggested that exercising without a bra (let alone a regular bra) will cause breasts to sag. My theory – a sports bra will be more comfortable – but that choice is really up to you.

What are the best foods/drinks to eat/drink AFTER a workout to replenish your body? F, 25
Balance, balance, balance. A healthy balance of good fat (NOT french fry fat), carbs, and protein will help rebuild your muscles, refuel your metabolic systems, and keep your blood sugar steady so you’re not famished, light-headed, or dizzy post-workout. One of the best, balanced foods for post-workout? Low-fat chocolate milk. Have 8 oz. 30 – 60 minutes post-workout and immediately begin reaping the benefits.

Is there any truth to that Shake Weight “dynamic inertia” thing advertised on TV? F, 30
Well, the commercial certainly makes me want to buy it for everyone I know – so I hope so. Okay, fine ~ the real answer here lies not in the “dynamic inertia” tagline that they use, but rather in the basic concept of muscle fatigue. Chances are your biceps and triceps very rarely complete that motion, let alone complete it quickly and repetitively. So, doing that will allow your muscles to work in a different way, and will quickly fatigue. Fatigue is a sign that your muscles are tearing so that rebuilding can occur (that’s why you’re sore after an intense workout) and therefore, yes, the Shake Weight could work to make your upper body stronger and more defined.

I have hyperextended knees ~ are there exercises I can do to strengthen the muscles around them to keep them straighter? F, 18
Yes. You should complete strength training for all of the muscles surrounding the knee – Quadriceps in the front of the leg, Hamstrings in the back, Abductors which are your inner thigh muscles, and Adductors which are your outer thigh muscles. Since I believe more in functional training, my suggestion would be to complete exercises that utilize many of those muscle groups at once ~ since it’s quicker and more efficient than isolating muscle groups as you would using a leg extension machine at the gym. So, walking lunges, Kettlebell swings, bodyweight squats, etc. will all strengthen all of those muscles at once, while engaging your core (postural muscles) as well. It’s a quick way to get the results you’re looking for while being functional and safe as well.

This might be just an urban legend, but is it true that if you don’t warm up your Achilles tendon and it snaps, it shoots up your leg and doctors have to find it and then pull it down and stitch it back together? F, 20
Can this happen? Yes. Has this happened? Yes. Is it likely to happen to you? Not really. You should absolutely warm-up all of your muscle groups, tendons and ligaments through light to moderate cardio and ballistic stretching prior to a strenuous activity ~ however, Achilles problems are usually due to overuse and repetitive motions that occur during work or exercise. These motions result in microtears that can cause bigger problems later. As for this snapping phenomenon you speak of, unless you endure excessive contact directly to the Achilles tendon, you’re probably pretty safe. If you feel any tenderness or suspect something might be wrong with your Achilles, please see a physician.

Is it true that taking too high a dose of iron (if you’re not anemic or something) can poison especially a woman?  How much I’m not anemic and I’m 24, so should I just take whatever’s in my daily vitamin? F, 24
Yes, but this is true with any vitamin or mineral. Iron is a mineral that isn’t excreted by the body, so you need to be careful that you’re not overdoing the amount of Iron you’re supplying your body with. Your body uses about one milligram of iron a day through hair, nails, etc. in the body – so your daily intake should equal about the 1 milligram that is needed to replace this loss. If you eat a normal, moderately health American diet, you are more than likely getting your recommended daily amount, and a multivitamin or Iron supplement isn’t needed.

Does muscle confusion work, and if so, how? M, 26
Yes, yes, yes!! This concept is far simpler than the TV-infomercial gods make it up to be. To put it simply, your body adjusts very quickly to exercise (which is what causes the “ceasing” of results or a plateau). Why does this happen? Well, think back to the cave-man days when the “survival of the fittest” principle really came into play. If a cave-man needed to run to catch his food, his body needed to adjust to allow him to be faster and fitter in order to do just that. The same theory applies here. Our body sees activity and exercise as an obstacle to overcome ~ so it adjusts, allows us to get stronger, faster, or endure more, and then stops changing. Muscle confusion is just an extension of this principle. If your body knows what’s being thrown at it (i.e. that you’re going to do the same 6 chest exercises every Monday/ Wednesday for the next two years), it will stop “adjusting” and you will stop seeing results. BUT, if you “confuse” your muscles through superset exercises, working your muscle groups in a different order, or using varying weights, etc., your body will continue to try to adjust to these stimuli changes and you will continue to see results.

What do you think are the most important types of work outs for sustaining energy in your day-to-day life? F, 25

Exercise that you enjoy! Exercise that you enjoy, being it dancing, martial arts, running on the treadmill, or yoga class will not only allow you to reap the physical benefits, but will also allow you to de-stress and stick with exercise throughout the years. Too many people view exercise as a chore ~ logging hours on the treadmill because they think that’s what will allow them to lose the most weight or lifting 6 days a week because that’s “the only way to get big.” Daily exercise should and can be fun, and fitting that into your daily routine will truly increase your energy and allow you to be healthy overall ~ not just a size 4.

Is it best to work out in the morning or at night? M, 20
It truly doesn’t matter, as long as it works with your schedule and it’s realistic for you. Granted, you shouldn’t work out at 10pm and expect to go to sleep by 11pm, but a calorie is a calorie no matter what time you torch it.

What’s the one piece of advice you would give someone just starting to get into working out?
Start small and be realistic. If your first goal is to run a marathon, you’re quickly going to feel defeated, give up, and go back to eating 2 bags of potato chips while watching other people succeed on “Biggest Loser.” Instead, set small, realistic goals (i.e. run a mile by the end of the month) and track your success through a food or exercise journal, weighing yourself or taking measurements, etc. When you see that these small goals are achievable, you are more likely to feel empowered (rather than defeated) and the healthy lifestyle will continue instead of reset. Be proud of what you accomplish, and educate yourself. Trust me, there are plenty of us fitness professionals to go around.

Ask Craig

(pictured below, photo by Jenna Faden)

craig-for-feb-pulse-1-copyWhat is the process to become a certified personal trainer? Are there different types of certifications? Do you have to renew each year or is it once you’re certified, it’s good for life? M, 21
There are many certifying bodies out there. Some are better and more reputable than others. Most require about 3-6 months of study accompanied by a few hours of practical experience. Once certified, you will be required to collect continuing education credits (CECs) in order to maintain your certification, which requires renewal about every two years. Beware of organizations that don’t require CECs or just have a “test” to become certified. You will be responsible for the well-being of your clients, and there is a certain amount of knowledge that accompanies that responsibility if you are serious about becoming a trainer.

What’s the best way to break through a plateau in bench pressing? I can get to 350 lbs., but have never been able to get over that number. M, 35
Change up your routine. Start with incline dumbbell presses and focus on building the upper chest, or try giant or super setting. Don’t neglect your triceps; they are important in benching, as are your shoulders. Don’t get hung up on reps either ~ increase your weight and try and bang out 1-3 reps instead of struggling for 4-6. Don’t forget to use a spotter if you are using weight you are not accustomed to. Lastly, make sure your diet is in line; if you aren’t eating properly, you will not grow.

All of the popular diets seem to severely limit or cut out carbs. Would you advise this? F, 30
Absolutely not! Carbohydrates are important to you overall metabolism. Restricting or eliminating carbs altogether is not going to get you the results you are looking for. There are all kinds of carbohydrates, some are better for you than others. Choose slower digested carbohydrates to help maintain a “full” feeling and avoid faster digested carbs that will give you a rush, but will leave you hungry in the long run.

What’s a good breakfast to have if you will be working out during the day? F, 30
Depending on the time of day you can’t go wrong with good ol’ oatmeal. Keep in mind if you are eating later in the day, the oatmeal you had at 7am won’t do you much good. Plan your meals accordingly with regards to your workout schedule. You’ll feel stronger and enjoy your workout much more.

I’ve injured my rotator cuff and have problems with yoga. What is the best way to get the most out of my practice and avoid further injury? F, 29
The rotator cuff is made up of 4 small muscle groups. The most common injuries involve the smallest muscles of this group. Be mindful of your form and avoid an external rotation of your shoulder, coming too deep into a push-up or not staying centered while in a plank. Utilize yoga blocks for extra stability and strengthen the rotators when you aren’t in class. Most rotator injuries can be remedied with a little care and attention to the affected shoulder or shoulders. If the pain persists or increases, see a specialist.

Should you work out through a cold? F, 30
A cold, yes…however, be smart. A cold is very different from the flu or bronchitis. Listen to your body, if you need a break, take it. The gym and your goals with still be there tomorrow.

How often and for how long should someone (not trying to be a body builder, just trying to stay in shape!) work out? F, 30
On average, 3-5 times per week. Keep in mind it’s not how often you work out, but how effective those workouts are. Make your workouts as efficient and challenging as possible to minimize your time at the gym. If you’re spending more than an hour and a half at the gym just to “stay in shape” you could probably be working a little bit harder and seeing better results.

I’m tired of flabby upper arms! Please tell me how to make them go away! F, 30
The short answer is focus on exercises that target your triceps, the muscles on the backs of your arms. Dips, press downs, any exercise which requires the extension of the arm at the elbow will work the “problem area.” And again, make sure your diet is in line; all the dips in the world won’t burn the fat off those upper arms. It’s all about diet.

I’m an avid volleyball player and want to know if there are specific stretching exercises I should be doing before a game. M, 39
Being lower body intensive, you want to make sure your hamstrings and hips are nice a loose. Some pin wheeling of the arms can help loosen up your shoulders if you are spiking a lot. Keep in mind stretching a cold muscle isn’t very effective. If flexibility is an issue, try adopting a stretching routine you can do on a daily basis. This will make your pre-game stretches a little more effective and improve your overall game.

Boy am I glad these questions are anonymous! I’ve heard that some guys have literally “blown a nut” when they try to dead lift too much weight. It that just an urban legend or can it really happen? If it can, are there any warning signs? M, 24
You know the old “turn your head and cough” test your doctor performs? Well, that’s checking for a hernia. The term “blown a nut” is referencing this test. Hernias are caused by excessive stress or pressure to the abdominal sheath, which basically keeps everything inside you, well, inside you. Heavy dead lifting, squatting and leg pressing are common culprits. While you won’t technically “blow a nut,” a hernia can be a serious condition. If you suspect you might have one, see your doctor and get ready to turn your head and cough.

man-push-up-copyWhich kinds of injuries should I apply heat to and which need ice? M, 21
Heat should be applied to common pulls or minor strains. The heat will help the pulled muscle relax. Cold should be used for more severe strains, sprains or excess swelling. The cold will help bring down the swelling and alleviate the pain.

Is it better to work out on an empty stomach, a full stomach, or after drinking just an energy drink or water? F, 30
None of the above. Working out on an empty stomach can cause a dangerous drop in blood sugar, resulting in dizziness, fainting or nausea. Working out on a full stomach can lead to cramping and nausea. Energy drinks on an empty stomach can make you jittery and unfocused. Eating a regular meal or snack about an hour before working out is ideal for providing your body with the energy it will need to get through the workout. An energy drink just before your workout can be used for a little extra pep.

Is it true that some people are genetically disposed to be overweight? F, 20
This question has generated debate for decades. My personal, professional opinion is excessive weight or obesity is not physically hereditary but culturally hereditary. You don’t have to be happy with your mom’s hips or your dad’s gut. Don’t use them as excuses; you are your own person. Ask yourself if you’re truly doing everything you can to change. Chances are you can be doing a little better than you currently are.

I’ve been pretty heavy into bodybuilding for a while now and plan to stick with it for as long as I can. What worries me is old age. Is all that muscle going to turn to flab when I get too old to push it as hard as I do now? M, 38
The only way this could be a concern is if you are taking anabolic steroids or excessive amounts of testosterone. Muscle and fat are two completely separate tissues. Muscle does not turn to fat or vice versa. Muscle takes energy to exist. If you build an excessive amount of muscle then decrease your supplementation or workout routine, then yes, your muscle will atrophy and the excess skin will appear flabby. In all honesty, it happens to all of us, so choosing a more natural means of building muscle can minimize the flabby look and give you a more maintainable physique later on in life.

Can guys and girls take the same boot camps? Or are most boot camps geared towards one or the other? F, 23
If you have a good instructor, a well-designed boot camp benefits both men and women. However, you can design boot camps specifically for one or the other.

I always hear that eating after 6pm is a bad idea in terms of losing weight. Why? M, 21
Eating in general after six isn’t bad. It’s what you’re eating that can be detrimental to your physique. You are not expending as much energy after six as you have been throughout the day. Eating denser carbohydrates, such as potatoes or pasta, gives your body more energy than it needs at that particular time. If your body isn’t using it, it’s storing it. Try to stick to protein and veggies past six and sugar free snacks such as popsicles to get you through until bedtime.

This is kind of embarrassing but I’ll ask anyway. I’m in pretty good shape, not a fitness model or anything but pretty trim, except that I have a large chest that’s kind of…heading south. What exercises can I do to firm up my boobs? F, 30
Well, as time takes hold, there’s not much that can be done. Concentrate on upper chest exercises, incline barbell presses or incline dumbbell flys. Don’t forget about your back, do seated rows and close grip pull downs. Posture is a key component ~ if not to the actual lifting of the chest, at least to the presentation. Holding your shoulders back can help “the girls” stand at attention a little longer.

When is the best time of day to take a multi-vitamin? M, 25
The most important aspect of any supplementation is the consistency. There’s no right or wrong time to take a multi-vitamin, as long as you’re taking it. Determine a time that’s easiest for you to remember and then that’s the best time for you.

What do you think the fitness trends will be five years from now? M, 19
Training studios, personal training, group exercise, and boot camps. I think people are seeing the benefits of more effective means of training. While personal training and specialized studios are more expensive than joining a traditional gym, people are more focused on results and are willing to pay to see those results.

What’s the hardest part of the body for a woman to lose weight in? How about for guys? F, 22
Genetically speaking, women are predisposed to hold weight from the top of their hips to the top of their knees. While the area can be more specific, the butt or thighs, this will be the area that’s the last to leave and the first to come back. Men will usually carry the “spare tire” around their waist. This is nature, people. Fat is not just unsightly, it serves as energy, insulator and protector. Your body holds on to it where it feels it needs it most. That’s why that last five pounds is harder to lose than the first fifteen.

I’ve had people at supplement stores tell me that anything I take, I should take for 3 or 4 weeks and then take a week off to let my body get back to normal and so that I don’t build up an “immunity” to the supplement (like creatine). They say the same thing about dieting, that after a 3 on and then the 4th off, your body will jumpstart when you go back on the diet. True? M, 19
False, false, false, false. While this is true for some supplements, not all, nothing could be further from the truth in dieting. The key to effective dieting is changing your metabolism; the key to changing your metabolism is consistency. This is why cheat days don’t work. It is true that your body will adapt to what you are doing, but that’s exactly what you are hoping for. Having your body efficiently and effectively process nutrients isI what you are trying to accomplish. You may find the need to replace some foods and make even better choices on your journey to a 32” waist, but going off the wagon for a week is not the way to do it.

What’s the one piece of advice you would give someone just starting to get into working out?
Appreciate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Don’t be discouraged by set backs, no matter how large. What you are undertaking is a journey, there will be highs and lows, so stay focused on your particular goals and enjoy the ride.


How to Look Great While Working Out ~ and Not Damage the Planet

7 High-Tech Green Fabrics

By Elise French

tiempo-libre-set-6062-copyWorking out strengthens your body, fortifies your bones, and improves your immune system. But don’t forget that as you sweat, your pores are opening, making you more prone to outside invaders slipping in through your skin. Problem is, many of the trendy exercise clothes are made from chemically treated fabric that, yes, when we sweat can be purged. Why work so hard to be healthy, all the while swaddling ourselves with something so potentially unhealthy?

Beyond the immediate concern of our bodies, the chemicals used in the production and manufacturing of exercise clothes are unhealthy to the planet. Obviously, a green fabric alternative is in order. Some green fabrics have gotten an unfairly bad rep thanks to early stage attempts at green style ~ or a lack thereof. The fact is that many of those natural fibers really are much more luxurious than potato sacks if you just give them another chance in their new, much more fashionable incarnations.

1. Organic Cotton Exercise Clothes: The no-brainer green choice when it comes to cotton is organic cotton. Organic cotton is grown and processed without the use of pesticides, insecticides, defoliants, or artificial fertilizers, or dioxin-producing bleach.

Our Faves: Aviator Nation Women’s V Hoody will be your favorite pre, during or post-workout hoody that is vintage-soft and stylish but really organic cotton. Believe me, you won’t want to take this thing off. More than day to night, this hoody can be worn from workout to out on the town ~ yes, it’s that adorable!
4-Rth Organic Trak Pants takes exercise clothes to a whole new trendy organic cotton level that you will love.

2. Coconut Shell Exercise Clothes: No, we’re not suggesting you sweat in hula-style coconut bra cups. Coconut shells have been taken to a whole new level when it comes to exercise clothes. CoCoNa is made from charcoal (or activated carbon) derived from coconut shells, then combined with polyester fibers to enhance its performance properties. The result: a greener, more naturally high-tech fabric that helps evaporate sweat, cool the skin, resist odor, and add UV ability. More than technical, CoCoNa is functional, lightweight, comfortable, and it retains its stretch after repeated wear and washes.

Our Faves: New Balance NBx Cocona Seamless Tee is natural and techie all at once. GoLite Women’s DriMove DriMove S/S Top is both stylish, cool and dry ~ yes, it keeps you cool and less sweaty even on a hot trail-running day, all thanks to recycled coconut shells.

3. Soy Exercise Clothes: In 3000 B.C., the Chinese heralded soy as a top five sacred crop. Soy is now being fashioned into one of the most in-demand green exercise fabrics around. The bean’s fibers are being spun into fabric that’s silk-like and sustainable. With its naturally wicking, anti-microbial technology-free “technology” that breathes like cotton and feels more luxurious than cashmere, its immediate rise to eco fabric-stardom is no surprise. What makes soy exercise clothes even more eco fabulous? The soy that goes into making the cloth is actually a tofu byproduct. But don’t look at your eco clothes as waste, love them for their soft strength, durability, and warmth retention (kinda like wool but without the itch).

Our Faves: ActiveSoy Ruched Short, is a soy/cotton blend made with low eco-impact dyes. Of the Earth Soy Long Sleeve Shirt is soft, silky and classic.

4. Bamboo Exercise Clothes: A member of the grass family, bamboo is a fast growing plant grown without the use of pesticides. Sure, it’s a grass, but don’t belittle it. Giant-sized timber bamboo can grow taller than 100 feet. When woven into a fabric, bamboo is naturally hypoallergenic, antimicrobial, odor resistant, breathable, and quick-drying. It’s a naturally sustainable and renewable plant that releases more oxygen into the atmosphere than trees, therefore helping to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Bamboo is grown without the use of harmful pesticides and insecticides. It is considered to be sustainable because of its ability to grow “like a weed” and quickly replenish itself. Some species can grow as much as four feet per day!

Our Faves: Bamboo Slim Leggings are a bamboo and organic cotton combo that are lightweight, breathable and made with low eco-impact dyes. Satori Divine Linked Vibes Raw Edge T-shirt is 100% bamboo and seriously stylish.

5. Hemp Exercise Clothing: No not that kind! Hemp is a non-toxic, durable, naturally SPF, static-free fiber grown without the use of herbicides or fungicides, and, when harvested and turned into fabric, keeps skin cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Our Faves: More Trees Hemp Trance Pants are made in America from 77% hemp and 23% recycled pet (plastic soda bottles) and perfect to green your yoga or pilates. Rawganique Sleeveless Hemp Flax Linen Knit V Top lets your skin breathe while you’re working up a sweat.

6. Wood Pulp and Seaweed: Wood pulp is being transformed into an array of eco fabrics that the fitness industry is swooping up. The natural, man-made fiber called Lyocell is spun from the cellulose in wood pulp, which is harvested from tree-farmed trees. Cellulose is a natural polymer present in the living cells of all vegetation. Not to fear the tree farms, they are planted on land not suitable for food crops or grazing. The fiber is then spun into “Tencel” as well as another Seaweed enhanced fabric called “SeaCell.” Against your skin, SeaCell is supposed to impart a sensation of calm?a direct response from the nutrients in seaweed. Confused? Bare with me for one more minute. SeaCell is sometimes amped up with an infusion of silver and dubbed “Active” SeaCell in order to create a natural antibacterial and odor neutralizing effect. Talk about creating a green exercise material from the Earth’s bounty!

Our Faves: Lululemon’s Vitasea Classic T II is made with Seacell, then blended with cotton and Lycra in the creation of an ultra soft, pre-shrunk fabric that retains its shape and stays soft after you wash it over and over. Fila Twist Back Tank is made from Tencel and blended with Lycra in the creation of a lightweight, flexible, comfy, breathable and fully biodegradable, totally adorable tank top.

7. Recycled Plastic Exercise Clothes: EcoSpun, Eco-Fill are spun from plastic bottles and other usable waste that’s turned into raw materials including recycled “polyester” or “fleece” yarn. The yarn is then spun (and sometimes blended with other yarns like tencel, cotton and wool) into something that is not only eco-centric, but shockingly soft, weather-resistant, lightweight, durable, and fabulous! The bottles are sorted by type and color, cleaned, crushed, diced, melted down to a liquid, and finally fashioned into fibers. The process can remove as many as 3 billion plastic PET soda bottles from of the world’s landfills each year, which adds up to a savings of over 1/2 million barrels of oil, while eliminating 400,000 tons of smog-making air emissions. One woman’s trash turns into another’s favorite green exercise shirt!

Our Faves: Zuzu Clothing Biplane Eco T-shirt is the most adorable “vintage” t-shirt made from an organic cotton and recycled poly-fiber constructed from 100% certified polyethylene terephthlate combo. Cannondale Women’s Classic Jersey is a re-spun fabric constructed from recycled plastic bottles that’s not only durable but also provides UPF 40+ sun protection, shielding the skin from the sun’s harmful rays.


TACTIX May be the Hottest Fitness Trend of 2011

By Mike Newford

rszimg5484-copyEach year, there is a promise of a new fitness system that will take the world by storm. Fitness innovator Dr. John Spencer Ellis is banking on TACTIX becoming the next sensation that will be adopted by fitness and martial arts instructors around the world. In turn, they will take it to fitness clubs, gyms and parks everywhere. The concept of TACTIX is to combine MMA conditioning exercise drills, fitness boot camp intensity, practical self-defense, metabolic conditioning, dynamic flexibility, and the energy of a group exercise class into a single program that does it all.

Another key component to TACTIX is metabolic conditioning (known as metcon). In simple terms, it’s a way of working out that incorporates work/rest cycles and high intensity exercise. The result is a stimulated metabolism, a fast-paces workout and better overall conditioning. In the world of exercise science, metcon is all the rage. The years of long, drawn-out hours on the treadmill in an attempt to lose weight are over. Research shows that metcon cuts the time in half.

“TACTIX is a blast. It’s for men and women of all ages. You learn practical self-defense without the ‘drama’ of scenario training and hitting a guy in a big rubberized suit,” says Ellis. “TACTIX is the perfect combination of kickboxing, mixed martial arts conditioning, fitness boot camp and body weight exercises. The result is a body that looks good and moves fast,” add Ellis.

If you are interested in becoming a certified TACTIX instructor or simply learning more about TACTIX, visit the official web site at www.tactixmethod.com.


FRS Healthy Energy Products
Do These New Kids On the [Health] Block Really Work?

By R. Peltier

frs-drinks-copyThe advantage FRS Healthy Energy® has over other energy drinks is simple. Instead of using lots of caffeine and sugar to give your body a lift, FRS activates your body’s own energy-producing mechanisms, so you can stay at your best longer without fear of crashing. In other words, you get the energy you need to turn possibility into reality, whether you’re shooting for a championship or just trying to make it through your workout.

FRS is fueled by quercetin, a powerful antioxidant found in foods like blueberries, red apples and grapes. Quercetin works by naturally triggering the body’s ability to produce more real energy. The more energy your body creates, the longer you’re able to push. And the longer you can push, the farther you’ll go.

A single 11.5-ounce serving of FRS contains a healthy amount of quercetin, but to get the equivalent you’d have to be willing – and able – to eat 40 apples in a sitting. And good luck working out after that. FRS also comes in powders, chews, and concentrates, too

FRS ~ which stands for Free Radical Scavenger (another term for antioxidant) ~ was developed as a fatigue-fighting health drink be a team of scientists which included Dr. Mitsunori Ono, PHD. It was then tested and refined by Dr. Ono and Dr. Lan Bo Chen, PhD, who, at the time, were both researchers at Harvard University.

Now, we’re not saying that FRS is right for you, and we always suggest that you consult a physician before taking any new product like this, but it is kind of cool to see what’s being developed in the world of health supplements.

To learn more about Quercetin, the primary ingredient in FRS, the testing behind the product, and lots more important info like dosage and risks, hit up secure.frs.com/vip/search/science.aspx


Don’t Forget to Keep Your Skin Healthy, Too!
Try Pevonia Botanica Skincare’s The Myoxy ~ Caviar To Go Timeless Renewal Kit

By Steph Moore

cover-side-take-care-of-yo-copyWe’re always racing from the gym either to work, to dinner with friends, or to finish of a hundred errands on our To Do list ~ so keep Pevonia Botanica Skincare’s newest product, The Myoxy ~ Caviar To Go Timeless Renewal Kit in your gym bag and it’s all you’ll need to wash away the gym and feel fresh and glowing for the rest of the day and night. It’s the ultimate in gentle, anti-aging skincare in a budget-friendly, on-the-go size.

The unprecedented concentration of Caviar extract with repairing sea proteins, combined with pearl extract and EscutoxTM powerfully rejuvenate skin to reveal a radically refined and youthfully radiant complexion. The results are immediate. The improvement is dramatic ~ and you work so hard to keep your body looking youthful, you should be doing the same for your face, so treat yourself (or the workout fanatic in your life!) to this exquisite DIY skin care regimen complete with three travel/gym-bag sized containers: Timeless Balm Cleanser, Timeless Repair Lotion, and Timeless Repair Cream, packaged in an ultra-luxe black velvet cosmetic bag.

Pevonia Botanica Skincare’s The Myoxy –Caviar To Go Timeless Renewal Kit is available at shoppevonia.com.


Eight Fun Fitness Trends for the Easily Bored

By Kristie Bartlett

Sure, it’s snowing out and we’re bundled under layers of bulky clothing, but before we know it, it’ll be time to start trying on bathing suits again ~ so yes, it’s time to start exercising. If you’re like a lot of people, though, the hardest part of keeping to your exercise regimen is boredom ~ so it’s important to keep things fun so that they’ll keep your attention. To give you some inspiration, we picked our favorite new 2011 fitness trends for you to discover.

Imagine yourself on a spinning bike in the water. This is exactly what hydrospinning is all about. The water provides some extra resistance while rendering the body weightless and consequently lowering stress on the joints. This makes hydrospinning the preferred workout for people who are injury-prone or carry some extra weight.

Aerojump is one of those exercise plans that launched a real craze in Hollywood as well as the various countries of the world. The professional boxer Michael Olajide’ Jr. came up with the idea of a similar plan which works in the tradition of rope jumping to workout songs that would boost your mood and energy on the spot. Boxers are familiarized with the important of jump ropes in their training sessions.

Aerojump offers an intense workout that works miracles with your calves, thighs, arms as well as the upper body. The program promises no less than 450 calorie burning in only 10 minutes. Our weight might also determine the pace of the weight loss process therefore everyone should consider his/her objectives on a long term. Adopt a similar workout plan if you are impressed by the high-intensity workout plans that sure move every tiny part of your body.

ROM (Range of Motion)
The Range of  Motion or ROM is a special piece of fitness equipment that allows you to do a total body workout on one machine, whereas with a traditional workout each muscle group requires a different piece of training equipment. It’s perfect for busy people as one workout only takes four minutes.

This is another popular workout plan that as its name denotes combines some features of Pilates with boxing. Ladies should be prepared for an exhausting and at the same time all-body muscles toning program envisoned by one of the most famous celebrity trainers as well as former dancer Viveca Jensen. The soft and relaxed moves of Pilates are combined with strength training that aims to tone our core and provide us with more flexibility and a spotless and dainty posture.

Air punches as well as tummy-strengthening and toning exercises serve as the best means to polish your figure and additionally you’ll use weighted gloves to further increase the intensity of the workout. Kicks and leg swings are also no strange things for those who decide to adopt this trend. Piloxing grants you with feminine curves and muscles toned to perfection.

Body Combat
This workout is based on martial arts like karate, boxing and tai chi, but the more intense exercises are alternated with relaxing movements. The end result is a varied workout routine that improves strength, stamina, flexibility and coordination. Perfect for people who easily get bored and like some variation.

guy_running_gfaj-copyKangoo Jumps
Are you eager to find out how to combine fun and exercise in the easiest way? Then embrace the Kangoo jump fitness trend for the next year which would offer you the privilege to lose weight and work on your muscles without being forced to stay at the gym or at home. These Pogo jogging shoes were invented in the 90s and still managed to convince celebs and great trainers of their efficiency when it comes of a well-defined exercise plan.

The alternatives when it comes of training with these shoes varies according to your preferences. Whether you decide to attend a Kangoo jump class and do the classy exercise or would like top purchase the shoes and do the workout your own way all options are available which makes this exercise equipment even more fascinating and popular.

Wii Just Dance
Are you more of a dancing queen than a fitness queen? Then this dance workout is right up your alley. Let yourself go, follow every movement on your TV screen and burn those calories. You don’t need to limit yourself to one style either as Just Dance contains 32 songs from disco to hip hop. If you want to work out in the familiar surroundings of your own home, this one’s for you!

Alice Bracegirdle is the founder of the oh-so-popular Bellyfit exercise plan. A program that was actually intended to women exclusively in order to boost their confidence and help them achieve a dream silhouette. As a complex plan it fuses various elements of different fitness domains. The workout session starts with a pleasant mediation then comes a warm-up sessions and some Cardio. Finally the most important phase includes different steps from belly dancing, Bhangra as well as African dance.

This mixture of these ingredients is further completed with Pilates movements and exercises as well as stretching workout which is inspired by Yoga. The whole workout is finished up with another healing meditation. Weight loss, muscle toning, properly working metabolism as well as increased flexibility and a spotless posture are some of the main promises of Bellyfit. Thanks to the versatile structure of the workout session our mind and also body will have the chance to enjoy the benefits of Bellyfit.