The ila Dusk Personal Alarm Gives Much Needed Peace of Mind

By Vanessa Formato

college-side-ila-dusk-personal-alarmAs a Clark student, I’ve come to know and love Main South. Despite that, there’s a certain undeniable danger to being a woman in an urban area. At Clark, we’re used to the “timely warnings” from University Police about attacks on and around campus. We try to make safe choices, but still, bad things can happen.

That’s where the ila Dusk comes in: it’s a personal alarm designed to scream for you in times of need. According to the alarm’s description at Handpicked Store, that scream-like sound is more likely to get a response from bystanders than the car alarm noise most personal alarms make. And how loud is “piercing?” 130 db– comparable to a jet plane.

When set off, it will “scream” for eight to ten minutes, unless you replace the pin quickly.

From personal experience, the volume is jarring. If you were to set it off in front of an attacker, the sound would probably disorient him enough so that you could make your escape, or at least make it clear that help would soon be on its way.

Another great thing about the Dusk series is its cuteness. Unlike the majority of personal alarms that appear to be drab, black bricks, this one looks more like a regular keychain. I’ve gotten several compliments on it, which is always a plus ~ and a great way to start a conversation about safety.

Remember, alarms like this are only part of the personal safety picture; taking a self-defense class will provide you with some invaluable skills if disaster strikes.

You can get your own ila Dusk at The Handpicked Gift Store for just $29.95.