The A Lot To Say Yoga Collection
By Beth Franklin
Check out this great new Yoga collection from the eco-friendly brand A Lot To Say. All the adorable, breathable tops are made from 100% RPET (recycled plastic bottles) and the company is exclusively endorsed by the National Green Energy Council for employing cutting-edge eco-production techniques. So while you’re doing good things for your body, you’re also doing good things for the planet.
While traditional dyeing methods take approximately 15-25 gallons of water per t-shirt, A Lot To Say employs a zero water textile printing process. This innovative, sustainable Air Dye option reduces water consumption up to 95%, energy consumption up to 86% and green house emissions by up to 84% and also eliminates PVC waste in landfills by 100% with absolutely no by-products. It also encourages farmers to use priceless, arable land for the production of food rather than cotton.
OK, that’s the serious side of A Lot To Say ~ now on to the fashion/cuteness side!
Each white top displays in color an undeniable fact that reminds us to stretch mind, body and soul:
BREATHE in wellness, breathe in harmony, breathe in rejuvenation. Yoga actually increases circulation to the diaphragm. Which means it’s good fro emphysema, high blood pressure, even good for the heart. And that makes us all breathe a little easier.
OM, om. Chant this mantra over and over and you’ll find a new peace, a new concentration, a new oneness. In fact, it’s been said that 12,000 recitations of om has the power to remove all sins. Talk about good vibrations.
MEDITATE on truth, meditate on compassion, meditate on bliss. It’s been documented that people who practice yoga meditation may be physiologically younger by 12 to 15 years. Which means yoga just may be the foundation of youth. Meditate on that.
CAMEL pose, the deepest of all yoga positions. Super challenging, you actually compress the spine, which stimulates the nervous system. So it relieves backaches, headaches, anxiety, stress, and yes, even depression. And that pretty much gets you over any hump.
SAVASANA means no wriggling, fidgeting, clenching, tapping or squinting. Just total stillness. This very last yoga posture makes your blood flow. Which means your circulation returns, your internal organs cleanse and you find peace. So breathe and relax, relax and breathe. It’s all good in savasana.
PURIFY your heart from vices like attachment, greed, jealousy, infatuation. Fill it with virtues like honesty, cheerfulness, kindness, self control. Fact is, 98% of people who live and breathe yoga, live and breathe a more positive life. Pure and simple.
SWEAT out the stress, sweat out the carbs. Posture after posture, yoga makes you sweat hard. So hard, it rids your body of harmful toxins. Actually eliminating impurities through the skin. A healthier, happier body? No sweat.
STRETCH your mind, your limits, your stamina, and yes, your muscles. Yoga stretches muscles lengthwise, causing fat to be eliminated, actually reducing cellulite. And it’s not a stretch to say, that’s nothing short of a miracle.
All items available at, so check ‘em out and find the one that says a lot about you!