Solves Little Fashion Oopses That Can Make or Break an Outfit

By Missy Adams

As girls we are always looking for the latest and greatest “solution” products to make our lives easier.  Embrace has come out with three items that you can tuck into your purse ‘til the moment you need them to save the [fashion] day ~ and they will!

The Bra Strap Solution is designed to prevent a major fashion faux pas ~ the exposed bra strap.  Just follow the simple instructions on the inside of the packet and it’ll turn your one bra into three different styles literally within seconds ~ and it’ll even give you a little added lift and support (OK, truth be told, I tried the Bra Strap Solution and found that is gave even ME some added lift and support, so maybe the packaging should say “a LOT of…,” since I’m not exactly, uh, lacking…).  The company doesn’t mention this on the label, but that support also helps you maintain better posture, something most of us could sure use.  Plus, since money isn’t growing on trees these days, it’s nice to be able to take one good bra and morph it into 3, rather than having to spend money on buying extra bras.

In Place Fashion Tape is a double stick tape that holds everything in place ~ skin to fabric and fabric to fabric.  No more worrying that “the girls” will make an unwanted appearance (c’mon, we all remember J’Lo’s [in]famous green Versace dress ~ you don’t think it stayed in place all by itself, do you???) or that the slit up the front of your skirt will suddenly show more than just leg if you get wild on the dance floor!  I used In Place to keep the sleeves of a silk shirt securely cuffed up when the A/C died during a recent dinner out ~ without it, I’d have been constantly cuffing and recuffing and driving my dining companions batty!

Never Leave Home Without a Fresh Pair!   This undergarment leaf soap is perfect for short or long vacations and even home use. The gentle leaf-shaped soap is infused with fresh pear undertones and was created for hand washing your delicate undergarments.  How many times have you been home or traveling and haven’t wanted to put your fancy and expensive “unmentionables” through the abuse of the washing machine?  A Fresh Pair is the simple remedy ~ the leaflet dissolves quickly and rinses away easily with no residue (and leaves behind such a lovely scent!).  The package is so nice and small that it’s great to hide in a little pocket of your purse for those “surprise” overnights, too ~ and if you are a frequent traveler and are sick of bulky soap containers and toiletries spilling in your suitcase, embrace this dainty solution!