CoolCareers.jpgProfessional Psychic and Medium Jeffrey Justice

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By Cherie Ronayne

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If you’re shaking your head, wondering how in the ether you could hook yourself up with a job this cool, keep shakin’ it, baby. You need to be born with this talent (Most psychics agree that we all have the “lite” version of some form of psychic ability but we usually don’t use it or even recognize it. When that happens, like most things that go unused, it’s lost.)

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Meet Jeffrey Justice, possesor and purveyor of an abnormally developed and highly accurate extra sense that he uses on a daily basis to pay the rent (So cool!).

Jeffrey was born into a family of psychically gifted people on his mother’s side but it was his grandmother who recognized his tendency to “know” things about people and encourage him, while his mother preferred to live a more normal life. (Not only does Jeffrey have an interesting family history in the psychic realm, his lineage is also interesting. His ancestors are right off the boat ~ the Mayflower ~ and are the first settlers of Newbury, where he was raised, and also Salem, the nation’s seat of the supernatural, where he coincidentally works several days a week.) Grandma tutored him in palmistry and card reading, heightening and fine tuning his innate abilities.

Jeffrey was frequently sick as a child. At 9 he suffered a frightening bout of encephalitis that may have tweaked his abilities; many psychics have pointed to a life changing illness, often accompanied by high fever that after recovering has left them with a “re-wired” brain, able to receive information that others can’t. Jeffrey agrees that this may have been the case with him and believes that he may have been one of the few earliest “Indigo Children” (see explanation at the end of this article).

Jeffrey is a small guy ~ slight and on the short side but his stature belies his huge inner powers. He is also pierced, tattooed, degreed (a B.A in English) and licensed ~ most importantly, licensed. MA state law requires psychic practitioners to be licensed to practice their art. Licensing includes passing a CORI check, which tends to weed out the quacks and people who don’t have the best intentions. Jeffrey is quick to point out that he won’t take money from people who need grief counseling or other professional medical interventions. And he is also quick to say that he doesn’t have all the answers. “Anyone who tells you they do, is lying.” He is straight up ~ the real deal. He believes in other planes of existence, saying that they operate on a different vibrational level than ours and it just requires “tuning in” to them.

During our interview, Jeffrey was engaging, thoughtfully answering questions; at the same time, he was “reading” personal information that was “bleeding” through me while we talked ~ and he was reading it with mind-boggling accuracy. He “saw” an area of my body that spoke of a potential problem, drawing a little sketch that pinpointed an area that had indeed caused me some concern. So I had to ask if he were able to shut off his abilities to be able to do ordinary things like running errands. “Yes, but it’s a matter of focus,” he says. Picture him in line at the grocery store being bombarded with messages for people around him! Does the work tire him out? The greatest number of readings he’s ever done in a day was 47 but no, he doesn’t get tired, “…just more energized by meeting people. “

And he meets lots of people. He has an impressive list of celebrities and sport stars he reads for and often travels to NYC to give readings. But will he give up his client list? Nope, he doesn’t kiss and tell.

He made the leap to full-time psychic and medium ~ using tarot cards and reading palms in addition to receiving information from clients’ bodies and spirits ~ after finding himself constantly unfulfilled in a variety of ordinary day jobs but encouraged by enthusiastic clients. His thoughts in the beginning were simple: “If I can just make enough money to make this month’s rent…” and sure enough, he’s made the rent every month and then some.

What does he like the best about having a career as a psychic? “Being able to help people connect to loved ones and helping people figure out their lives. Also giving people hope to see past the negativity.” And what is the worst thing about his career? “Listening to all the sad stories.”

If you feel the need to tell Jeffrey a sad story or get some otherworldly information, check out his very cool site, for more information or to book a reading. Don’t miss a chance to let Jeffrey give you some important information. I now know who will save my life someday!


Indigo Children

From Wikipedia: ~ Indigo Children are children who, according to some,
especially those in the New Age movement, represent a higher state of human evolution. The term itself is a reference to the belief that such children have an indigo colored aura. Beliefs concerning the exact nature of Indigo Children vary, with some believing that they have paranormal abilities such as the ability to read minds, and others that they are distinguished from non-Indigo children merely by more conventional traits such as increased empathy and creativity. The term Indigo children originates from the 1982 book Understanding Your Life Through Color by Nancy Ann Tappe, a self-styled synesthete and psychic, who claimed to possess the ability to perceive people’s auras. She wrote that during the mid 1960s she began noticing that many children were being born with “indigo” auras. Today, she estimates that 60% of people age 14 to 25 and 97% of children under 10 are “Indigo.”