By Jennie Fitzgerald
Most artists will say that art is their passion, a form of self-expression, a way to express their emotions ~ and Seamus Brown, 24 and a student at Quinsigamond Community College, is no exception. This up and coming Worcesterite has always had art in his blood…and then on paper, on the walls of his bedroom, and in sketch books piled to his ceiling (literally).
With no formal training past that he received at the Art Magnet Program at Burncoat Middle School, he is a self-taught tattoo artist, painter, and graffiti artist. Although “underground” and primarily creating personal pieces of art for friends and family, Seamus is completely satisfied just doing what he loves.
He started experimenting at a young age, soon realizing that art was more to him than just a hobby. His creative energy, couple with a colorful imagination, have yielded more pieces than he can count ~ and more methods, too, from using a pencil and pad to crushed toothbrushes to hubcaps, poster clippings, masking, spray paint, and hubcaps to achieve the effect he want. Where does the inspiration come from, you ask? According to Seamus, he gets inspired by the “…challenge of bettering himself and conveying my ideas as accurately as possible.”
“I’m just happy that I have art in my life and if I live the rest of my life and never sell another painting, that would be just fine with me,” he says, adding that “If I were offered an exorbitant amount of money for [my] work, that would be gravy on top.” That said, though, he does plan to turn his passion into a full-time career; “I don’t think that there is a person on this planet that wouldn’t want to earn a living from doing what they love.”
Until that day comes, Seamus will continue his education at Quinsig and will continue to add to his impressive body of work, some of which you can check out at ~ and feel free to leave messages and comments, he welcomes feedback!