By Kimberly Dunbar

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Start trick or treating early this year at Hebert Candy Mansion. The “Big 4WD Event,” hosted by on Oct. 14th, is sure to offer fun for the whole family.

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“I wanted it to be easy to remember,” said Rich Banfield, owner of, about the event’s name. “It’s going to be a great time to hook up with a 4WD club, connect with 4WD vendors, take part in fun events and see vintage 4WDs,” he added.

Banfield put on this event for the first time last year and had an excellent turnout. “Last year we had 150 vehicles and many 4WD vendors,” he said. This year’s event will offer even more entertainment: in addition to the food, vendors, and array of entertainment options, some of the can’t-miss events include not one, but two RTI ramps, a winch contest, swap meet spots, the Big Air Up contest, a remote control Rock Crawler obstacle course race and a “Granny Low” contest, which is “…not about how fast you can go, but how slow you can go!”

But let’s not forget about the most important part of all ~ the vehicles themselves. “There will be all kinds of 4WDs there,” Banfield says. “Jeeps, Hummers, Land Rovers, and many more,” including some new 4WDs from local auto dealers While Banfield will be the host with the most that day at the Mansion, he will have help from Patriot Jeepers Club members and friends, as well as from Hebert’s and other vendors like Elias 4WD and Superwinch.

While putting on such a major event requires a lot of time and effort, Banfield doesn’t mind. “I do it for the people,” he said. “There aren’t too many of these events around here. Yes, it’s work, but it’s fun, too.”

Banfield’s favorite part of the event is seeing the different 4WDs and meeting their owners. But even for just spectators, Banfield is hoping to leave a lasting impression. “I’m looking forward to adding new fun things, hooking people up with a 4WD club and helping them outfit their rig,” he says. “I’d like to make it a great time for all those who attend.”

Banfield is requesting a $5 donation at the gate, with a percentage of the proceeds benefiting the NorthEast Association 4WD clubs.

The Big 4WD Event, Oct. 14th, 9am to 4pm
Hebert’s Candy Mansion, Rte. 20
(575 Hartford Turnpike) Shrewsbury, MA
For more information email, call 508-340-1488, or head to