By Linnea Sheldon and Robyn Lee

You voted online for your favorite bartenders, now see what the winners have to say about what their lives are like on both sides of the bar!

Nicole Gingras, 22, lives in Worcester with her sister/best friend Katie. She works at Fusion on Friday nights and Mcfadden’s on Saturday Nights.

Where did you begin your bartending career?
I was a shot girl at Red a couple years ago then began at McFadden’s.

Any drink/alcohol that you can’t go near?
Anything Blue…. bad, bad memories.

What’s your drink of choice?
Vodka Tonic, 2 limes.

Can you flair bartend?
Hahaha, not so much. That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Are you a lifer or do you have another career or career goal?
Well I have a full time job at a mortgage company and at a salon so that’s really the way my life is heading.

What is your favorite part about bartending?
Having a blast with the people I work with, and seeing everyone else have a good time.

If you could make a drink based on yourself, what would be in it and what would you call it?
Anything that has a bunch of different mixes because I’m a very random person and you never know what I’m gonna say or do.

Favorite bar besides the one you work at?
I would have to say Bar None.

Is a bar the best or worst place to look for a relationship?
I think it depends on the person, and how much they have been drinking, and the situation.

Hardest thing about your job? Best thing about your job?
Probably the hardest thing would have to be trying to reason with all the drunk people. But that can be the best thing too, along with just being in the bar setting and having people always around.

What would you be if you weren’t a bartender?
Well I am an esthetician, so I would probably be doing that full time.


Carlos Cintron, 30, is originally from Stow, but now resides in Millbury. He bartends at Via.

Where did you begin your bartending career and how long ago?
I began my career at Stoney O’Brien’s while I was in college and it’s been 10 years now.

What’s the one dance move you wouldn’t mind being banned from all clubs?
Macarena, CHA CHA, and the guys holding up the wall with their backs.

What is your favorite part about bartending?
Meeting new people every day and listing to their stories.

What’s the worst/funniest pickup line someone has used on you?
Pretty lame ~ “I hope you know CPR, ‘cuz you take my breath away!”

Are you a lifer or do you have another career or career goal?
I am a proud lifer with intentions of opening a dive bar of my own!

Any drink/alcohol that you can’t go near?
Sambuca! I don’t like the smell and it’s so sticky that it gets all over the bar!

Biggest tip you ever got?
Two hundred dollars from Daniel Baldwin.

Is a bar the best or worst place to look for a relationship?
The best place.

What kind of music do you listen to?
Everything from U2 to Biggie!

One thing about you that your customers would be shocked to hear?
I’m a phenomenal athlete! I’m still waiting on a sneaker contract however.


Rhianna Whitaker, 21, from Fitchburg bartends at Mickey Shea’s and Scooter’s in Lunenburg.

If you could make a drink based on yourself, what would be in it and what would you call it?
The Shake and Bake: Absolut Citron, Blue Island liqueur, pineapple juice and a splash of grenadine.

What’s the worst/funniest pickup line someone has used on you?
Some guy said to me, literally, no sugarcoating, “Well I know you aren’t wearing any underwear so why don’t we skip the formality and you can come over later.” I was like, “Are you kidding me!?!?”

Biggest tip you ever got?
$200 for doing a body shot. Hey, it may not have been the classiest thing but it definitely paid my car insurance.

Are you a lifer or do you have another career or career goal?
I’m definitely a lifer because I’d like to own my own bar, so yeah, this is my real job for life!

Any drink/alcohol that you can’t go near?
I’m pretty open to everything. Ask me the day after I have a hangover…hahaha.

What is your favorite part about bartending?
The fact that I get to interact with people everyday and see new faces.

What’s the one dance move you wouldn’t mind being banned from all clubs?
The Sprinkler or any white guy who thinks he can dance!

One thing about you that your customers would be surprised to learn about you?
I’m actually color blind, I can’t distinguish colors very well.

Hardest thing about your job? Best thing about your job?
Missing out on seeing my friends as much but at the same time work is fun too because I get paid to be at the bar rather than having to spend money to be there. The best thing is just having fun and meeting new people and getting the experience I need for where I want to go.

What’s your drink of choice?
If not tequila shots, it’s Bacardi Limon, Stoli Razz, Bacardi Peach and cranberry. Everyone just calls it “The Rhi.”

Do people really end up telling you their whole life stories? Do you listen?
Yeah, if it’s slow and there aren’t many people in there we have good conversations. I don’t mind because I like talking to people, and now I just know more about them when they do come in. People like being remembered, they like knowing someone really listened to what they said.

Is a bar the best or worst place to look for a relationship?
WORST!! You don’t know the person’s true intentions. Not only do I know people who have horror stories, but I have some of my own!

What would you be if you weren’t a bartender?
I’d be back in school finishing up to become a forensic analyst. I’m really big on CSI stuff.


Jason Piskator (J.P.), 27, was born and raised in Worcester. He attended South High and Worcester State College. He works at Doherty’s Pub Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday, and Bender’s Bar on Friday nights.

Where did you begin your bartending career?
I began my bartending career in Florida. Right after I got married my wife and I moved to Orlando where I started working at a place called Cheerleaders. It was crazy place! The girl bartenders had to dress like cheerleaders, it was a huge tourist spot.

Biggest tip you ever got?
The biggest tip I’ve ever got was $300. One Sunday night at Doherty’s everyone was having a great time. It was packed, girls were dancing on the bar, music was cranked up. All of a sudden I kept getting hit with crumbled up papers. Turns out a group guys who had never been there before were throwing crumpled 20s at me. They appreciated their experience that night. They always come back!

Are you a lifer or do you have another career or career goal?
As of right now I’m a lifer. I just recently signed all the paperwork to purchase Doherty’s Pub on Park Ave. Hopefully it all goes through in the next month or so. I love the spot! Park Ave. is the best location for a bar. Right in the middle of all the colleges, St. Patrick’s Day parade. You can’t beat it. Even though new spots keep opening and closing, Park Ave. has always stood strong!!!

What is your favorite part about bartending?
My favorite part about bartending is too able to hang out with my family and friends while I’m working. At no other job in the world can you have as much fun and get paid. I enjoy meeting new people, and watching people relax and have fun. Times are tough these days so any dancing or laughing helps.

Hardest thing about your job? Best thing about your job?
Hardest thing about the job is unwinding at the end of the night. People don’t realize that after they leave I’m stuck there for an hour or two cleaning up, mopping and re-stocking the product. The best part of the job is getting the crowd fired up. Putting on the right song at the right time and seeing the whole bar go crazy. Counting the tip jar at the end of the night is nice too.

What’s the one dance move you wouldn’t mind being banned from all clubs?
I think the dance move that should be banned from all clubs is “any guy.” Guys are horrible dancers. Let’s just leave it all to the ladies.

Has your job ever gotten in the way of your personal life?
I have a great wife who is also in the industry. We both understand the nightlife and love it. At the end of the day if the bills are paid we’re both happy. I also have two little girls.

One thing about you that your customers would be surprised to know?
I’m a mortgage broker during the day.

Favorite bar besides the one you work at?
My favorite bar besides the one I work at is Galway Bay on Stafford St., very relaxed atmosphere.

What would you be if you weren’t a bartender?
If I weren’t a bartender I would try to be tattoo artist.


Kelly of Jose Murphy’s is originally from a suburb of Boston, but now lives in the Worcester area.

Where did you begin your bartending career?
My first club job was at the old Sh’booms. From the first night I worked in a club I knew I wanted to bartend, it looked like so much fun. I got the chance a little over a year later at the Atrium, and it’s been about three years now.

Any big winter plans?
Hopefully a vacation or two, I have been snowboarding but I have never been skiing, so that is something I would love to do.

What’s the worst/funniest pickup line someone has used on you?
Haha, I believe it was, “Do me a favor and thank your mom and dad…for making you.” I feel mean laughing, but sometimes it is just too hard not to!

Can you flair bartend?
Ummm, I used to play around with flair bottles. I can do probably two very unimpressive tricks, only with practice bottles and as long as there are no breakables around. I am definitely no Tom Cruise [think ‘Cocktail’]!

What’s the one dance move you wouldn’t mind being banned from all clubs?
Ummm, I’m not one to talk, I have been known to do the Running Man and the Sprinkler behind my bar…sometimes you just have to let loose!

What’s your drink of choice?
Depends on my mood, I have been digging Mango margaritas this summer, but I also love a glass of wine or a Stoli blueberry, soda water, and cranberry juice.

Do people really end up telling you their whole life stories?
Luckily the bar is fast-paced on weekends so people don’t really have time to. But sometimes before it gets busy people have a tendency to share…and when they have had a few drinks sometimes overshare.

Hardest thing about your job? Best thing about your job?
The hardest thing and the best thing sort of go hand in hand. The hours can be tough, especially when you first start. In college when all of my friends were going out I had to work. But it was cool to be able to see them out and be the one to serve them.


Melissa Mahoney, 22, is a Northbridge resident and currently tends bar at Voodoo Nightclub on Thursday and Saturday nights.

Where did you begin your bartending career?
Voodoo ~I started there as a collector, and once the opportunity came to start training behind the bar, I jumped on it.

How long have you been bartending?
A little under two years. I’ve been at Voodoo the whole time, and I doubled up and worked at McFadden’s for a few months during my last semester at school.

Are you a lifer or do you have another career or career goal?
Not a “lifer.” I want to be a college professor (Political Science) and then maybe get into politics later in life.

What is your favorite part about bartending?
The energy ~ There is always so much going on at once, great music and people everywhere. It’s sort of like being at a big party where you know all the behind-the-scenes activity and weekly drama.

Any drink/alcohol that you can’t go near?
Tequila!! One bad experience ruined my relationship with José for good.

What’s the one dance move you wouldn’t mind being banned from all clubs?
“Lean Back” ~ worst dance move/song ever!

If you could make a drink based on yourself, what would be in it and what would you call it?
“A little sassy but always classy:” Grey goose, soda water, and splash of cranberry with a lime.

What’s your drink of choice?
Grey goose and soda water, French martini, or Corona with lime ~ depends on the night.

Biggest tip you ever got?
$160 ~ It was awesome!! It was from a very laid back older guy who said I had a great smile. After getting $160 tip, my smile was ear to ear.

Is a bar the best or worst place to look for a relationship?
I wouldn’t bank on finding a relationship, but you never know what or who you might find…

Hardest thing about your job? Best thing about your job?
The hardest thing would have to be the late nights when I had class the next morning, and now that I have graduated, work the next morning! It’s also tough when people don’t realize that bartenders don’t make an hourly wage and only make money from tips. The best thing about my job, obviously the money. You can’t beat working in an energetic and fun environment for four hours or so, and leaving with cash.

Favorite bar besides the one you work at?
Fusion, of course!

What would you be if you weren’t a bartender?
Someone who gets a decent amount of sleep with a lot less money in my pocket.


Editor’s Note: Jenn (below) and Melissa (above) received exactly the same number of votes from our readers ~ so, since they both work at Voodoo, too, we decided to let them share the spotlight!


Jennifer Pelletier, 35, is originally from CT but now calls Worcester home. She bartends at Voodoo Nightclub Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights and has been behind the bar for more than 3 years now.

Where did you begin your bartending career?
I started at Voodoo, but technically it was called the Artbar at the time.

What’s the one dance move you wouldn’t mind being banned from all clubs?
The fake butt slap – is that supposed to be sexy?

Are you a lifer or do you have another career or career goal?
Not a lifer, I aspire to be a high school English teacher.

If you could make a drink based on yourself, what would be in it and what would you call it?
Amaretto Di Sarrono, Crown Royal Whiskey and Cranberry Juice. I would call it the Enigma ~ a little mysterious, but on the sweet side.

Any drink/alcohol that you can’t go near?
Jagermeister, sometimes I tell people we are out of it. Shhhhhh!

What is your favorite part about bartending?
Socializing, and making money instead of spending it at a bar.

Any big winter plans?
Every year in January I run the Disney Marathon in Florida.

What’s the first drink you ever made professionally?
Long Island Ice Tea – thank god it came in that prepared mix bottle!

What’s the worst/funniest pickup line someone has used on you?
I once asked someone what he wanted to drink and he answered, “You ~ in a glass.” That was cute.

What’s your drink of choice?
Blue Moon with a lemon, I’m simple when it comes to my own drink.

Is a bar the best or worst place to look for a relationship?
I’ll say the worst place to look ~ nightclubs are a bit like a fantasy land, it always seems like a good idea at the time, but the next day you think, argh, what did I do!

Hardest part about your job? Best thing about your job?
Inventory…unloading a cooler and counting beer at 3am, ugh! Best thing of course, the instant cash!!

Best summer memory?
The Police in concert, awesome summer night!

What would you be if you weren’t a bartender?
Just a little poorer and definitely less sleep deprived.


A.J. Leto, 31, of Worcester works at Blu Ultralounge and Nightclub Wednesday and Saturday nights and has been bartending “on and off” for almost ten years.

Where did you begin your bartending career?
I began back in the late 90s at Ralph’s.

What’s the one dance move you wouldn’t mind being banned from all clubs?
The ones where people have to watch themselves in the mirror to execute.

Are you a lifer or do you have another career or career goal?
This is part time work, I’m a training operations consultant during the day.

Favorite thing about bartending?
The networking opportunities, I love meeting new people, I love hearing other people’s stories, it’s a great opportunity to socialize and get paid. I call bartending “going out with your friends and getting paid for it.”

What’s the first drink you ever made?
A White Russian.

If you could make a drink based on yourself, what would be in it and what would you call it?
Southern Comfort, sloe gin, Malibu, orange vodka, pineapple juice, and cranberry juice, and because all my friends call me Mama, it would be called Mama’s Love Potion.

What’s your drink of choice?
I drink vanilla flavored vodka with Diet Coke.

What’s the worst/funniest pickup line someone has used on you?
I wear a silver ring on my right ring finger, and a businessman said, “Does your wife know that you hang out in a gay bar?”

Do people really end up telling you their whole life stories? Do you listen?
Every time and always.

Biggest tip you ever got?
$50 for one beer, it was crowded and he was waving a $50 and I said, “You get first priority if that’s mine” He was more than happy to hand it over.

Is a bar the best or worst place to look for a relationship?
It’s the best and the worst. I know people who have met their life partners in bars and I know people who have had horrible experiences in bars.

One thing about you that your customers would be shocked to hear?
That I once weighed almost 600 lbs.

Has your job ever gotten in the way of your personal life?
Not so far.

What kind of music do you listen to?
All kinds, I like club music to classical.

Best memory from this summer?
For 2007 it was a surprise birthday party that was thrown for me.

Favorite bar besides yours?
The Dive.

What would you be if you weren’t a bartender?
When I have the money I’ll be a philanthropist.


Tiffany Anderson, 37, originally from Fort Worth, Texas has called Millbury home for the past 12 years. She works days at the Sole Proprietor.

How long have you been bartending?
I have been bartending for 15 years.

What’s the first drink you ever made professionally?
The first drink I ever made was a strawberry daiquiri.

Any drink/alcohol that you can’t go near?
I have a hard time getting Jagermeister down.

Are you a lifer or do you have another career or career goal?
I plan on going back to school for who knows what when my children are a little older.

Do people really end up telling you their whole life stories? Do you listen?
People tell me their life stories in bits and pieces, I listen to the people that catch my attention.

Glad or bummed that there’s no smoking in bars anymore?
I’m beyond glad there is no more smoking in bars.

What is your favorite part about bartending?
My favorite part about bartending is of course is the cash.

Hardest thing about your job? Best thing about your job?
The hardest thing about my job would be that I work alone, best thing no one to split tips with…

Has your job ever gotten in the way of your personal life?
My job has absolutely caused a problem or two in my personal life in the past.

Favorite bar besides the one you work at?
My favorite bar besides the one I work at would still be Cactus Pete’s, haven’t found a replacement yet!

What’s the worst/funniest pickup line someone has used on you?
The saddest pick up line was “I’m married but I’m not a fanatic about it!”

What’s the one dance move you wouldn’t mind being banned from all clubs?
The one dance move I would ban from all clubs would probably be The Worm.

What’s your drink of choice?
My drink of choice is vodka, all shapes and sizes.

Biggest tip you ever got?
The biggest tip I ever got was $500 at Christmas time.

Is a bar the best or worst place to look for a relationship?
The bar might not be the best place to find love but I wouldn’t rule it out.

What would you do if you weren’t a bartender?
I have no clue!

Best Song to Get the Party Started at Work?

Guess which bartender said…

Haha, “Crazy Bitch,” probably.

Any song that gets the ladies going, especially an old Michael Jackson song!

Usually the rock and roll stuff like Guns n Roses, ACDC or Van Halen gets people going…

Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’,” an oldie but a crowd pleaser.

I would say in my bar it’s Justin Timberlake’s “Text You Back.”


Our Bartenders’ Votes for Top 5 Best Bar Snack Foods?

Boneless buffalo wings with ranch dressing




Potato chips

The Gang’s Advice for New Bartenders?

Remember customers’ names and what they drink.

Have fun with it. There is nothing that you can’t fix, and at that point your customers want to be your best friends because you’re the one giving them drinks. Basically, don’t stress when it gets busy, just relax and have fun.

Always be in control, have a feel for the type of music the people want, and always be thankful for their business.

Learn the drinks and have fun! Don’t be afraid to socialize and have a lot of energy behind the bar because if the customers see you having fun they are more likely to loosen up too!

Don’t get too caught up in the night life.

Our Winners for Most Embarrassing Moments in Bartending?

When I was bartending a wedding in Hudson, during the cocktail hour outside I was working on a portable bar and had the wheels locked. A gentleman came to the bar and leaned on it. However, I was on a slope that sloped towards me. The bar came crashing on me and he fell on top of the bar. So there I am with ice and bottles of booze all over the place and me trying to get from underneath the bar and everyone rushing over to see what had happened. Needless to say, I never locked those wheels again. ~ Carlos Citron

Umm, got my bottle opener stuck in my pocket and went to pull it out, it went flying out of my hand and smacked some guy in the face. Yeah he definitely got a free beer. ~ Rhianna Whitaker

Most embarrassing moment had to be getting a pie in my face on my birthday during my shift. ~ Tiffany Anderson


Karyn Ferdella is a native of Rochdale, and works at the 80s Lounge and Stogie’s Cigar Bar Thursday and Saturday nights, and Sunday game day.

Where did you begin your bartending career?
I started bartending in 1997 at Chuck’s Steakhouse and Margaritagrille in Auburn.

What’s the worst/funniest pickup line someone has used on you?
“Is your dad a boxer? ‘Cuz you’re a knockout.”

What is your favorite part about bartending?
I enjoy reliving my junior high memories with the music and videos! Also, the customers are great, from college kids to 50 year olds, we have a diverse, interesting crowd. Finally, the staff is a fun bunch of people to work with.

Any drink/alcohol that you can’t go near?
I’m not a tequila person. People love it, but it’s like gasoline to me.

What’s the one dance move you wouldn’t mind being banned from all clubs?
None, after a hard week at work, I like watching people let loose with their moves. It can be very entertaining, too!

What’s the first drink you ever made professionally?
Some crazy frozen margarita at Chuck’s and Margaritagrille. They had an intense menu with 10-12 margaritas on it.

Do people really end up telling you their whole life stories? Do you listen?
People do actually open up if they’re sitting at the bar for a long time. I definitely listen, but the sad stories get me.

Biggest tip you ever got?
Some man ordered a $7 drink and slid a $50 across the bar and told me to keep it.

Hardest thing about your job? Best thing about your job?
Sometimes the late hours on Saturdays make for a slow-going Sunday. The interaction with the customers is fun, especially when you can tell people are just having a great time.

What kind of music do you listen to?
My taste is all over the place ~ from Bruce Springsteen to Otis Redding, Amy Winehouse, Jay-Z, Gwen Stefani, and of course, anything 80s!


Kim Casella of Charlton tends bar at the Quarter Keg Pub, where she also began her bartending career 11 years ago.

What is your favorite part about bartending?
I have made a lot of truly great friends.

What’s the first drink you ever made professionally?
A Seabreeze.

Any drink/alcohol that you can’t go near?

If you could make a drink based on yourself, what would you call it?
I have one called the Kimmy with Vanilla Vodka and Cointreau.

Any big winter plans?

Glad or bummed that there’s no smoking in bars anymore?
Glad there is no smoking because lots of my friends here quit.

What’s your drink of choice?
Black Russian.

Is a bar the best or worst place to look for a relationship?
I found my husband in a restaurant, so it’s the best.

Favorite bar besides yours?

What would you be if you weren’t a bartender?
I would be rich and retired.


Let’s give a hand to all the other nominees our Pulse readers voted for, too!

o Mark Zankovich at the Sole Proprietor
o Tom Malboeuf at McFadden’s
o Amy at VooDoo
o Marissa Defeo at Portabello
o Dennis Lage, formerly of Texas BBQ
o Justin at Tammany Hall
o Noelle Merle at Lucky Dog
o Mackenzie Goodwin at Tammany Hall
o Maggie at Tammany Hall
o Jay Baron at Block 5
o Matt at VooDoo
o Carla at Bar None


As many of you know, our very own Account Executive Scott Payette bartends at McFadden’s too…and actually received the most votes on-line. But since he is ineligible to win because he works for us, we figured we’d let him weigh in on the whole subject of the bartender/customer relationship.

Bar Etiquette
By Scott Payette



We are not animals, we do not respond to whistling. Well, we might respond, but it’s not going to be the response you’re lookin’ for!

*Come to the bar unprepared

I’m waiting on you. Everyone else is waiting on me. Therefore, you have A LOT of people waiting on you. So have your money in hand and have at least a pretty good idea of what you’re going to order.

*Wave Money in the Air

Oh lovely, you have something no one else has. Let me skip everyone else and go straight to you.

*Yell my name

Yelling my name doesn’t help your cause. Keep yelling it and I will completely forget about you all together. Save it for a friendly “Hi, Scott” when I come to take your order.

*Tell me to add more liquor

Please tell me one person in the bar that doesn’t want more liquor in his or her drink. Seriously.

*Give the never-ending drink order

Don’t wait ‘til I turn to go get your drink for you to finally ask your friends what they want. Gather the info and then order. I can handle it. Or let them order for themselves. They can handle it.

*Assume you’ll be drinking for free

Just because I know you DOES NOT mean that you get hooked up.

* Assume that because another bartender hooked you up, I will

Don’t come to me saying that the other bartender hooked you up with a free drink or charged you less for top shelf. I don’t care. And if he or she did, then why are you down my end of the bar harassing me?

*Tip with change

We don’t want that change in our pockets anymore than you do. Please, oh please don’t leave a bunch of dimes and pennies that might total up to a dollar on the bar.

*Order a drink you got in the Bahamas

Don’t play “Stump the Bartender.” Ever. What makes you think I would have any idea what goes into the Frolicking Purple Parrot that you ordered 3000 miles away during spring break ’05?

*Complain about being carded

If you’re under 21, then you probably look it so don’t be so surprised. If you’re between 21 and 27, then understand that it is our job…not to mention THE LAW…for us to check your ID because there is a slight chance you’re underage. For all you people that are over the age of 27, you should take it as a huge compliment that you look young for your age…So instead of complaining, say thank you.


*Tip well

Tipping 20% or $1 per drink is standard everywhere you go, but if you’re drinking our $1 special we’ll think you’re super classy if you still throw down a $1 tip. Throw us a $20 spot right at the beginning of your night and see how differently you will get treated. You could have 5 people in front of you and I will still get you your drinks first. This doesn’t mean you don’t have to tip for the rest of the night though. But over all you will have the best service and maybe get a free shot here or there.


It’s much more pleasant for us at work when we’re dealing with a pleasant person. Don’t be afraid to actually ask how we are doing or say thank you for getting your drink. If your last drink tasted really good, tell us. Bartenders have feelings too, y’know!

*Be patient

Just because you muscled your way up to the bar does not mean you’re going to get bumped to the front of the line, as it were (although one thing I can promise is that you definitely will be taken care of before the person yelling my name, whistling or tipping like an orphan out of a Dickens novel. We bartenders have a pretty good sense of who’s been waiting the longest and we’ll serve you accordingly.

*Bring your “A” game, Guys

You have no idea how painful it is to stand by and listen to some of the cheeseball lines you come up with while trying to impress the ladies. We asked our Favorite Bartenders what the worst part of their job is…This would have to be mine. I mean, how far do you think you’re going to get with “So ~ did it hurt?”

*Leave your hissy fits at home

The drama I am talking about is referred to as “beer balls.” No one wants to get a drink spilled on them ~ or get in the middle of a slap fest ~ because some pudgy “David” starts a fight with an angry, drunken “Goliath.” It ain’t gonna end happy for anyone. Keep your WWE wanna-be self at home…and if you can’t handle your liquor, don’t drink.

See? The customer/bartender relationship can be mutually enjoyable…just make sure to remember that just like you all want to be treated with respect and a smile, so do we!