By Christine R. Walsh

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Foothills Theatre Company is about to embark upon one of their most exciting seasons ever. From old favorites to soon-to-be new favorites, every theatre-goer will find a show that pulls on his or her heartstrings. And thanks to Artistic Director Russell Garrett, the Worcester area can look forward to a hot little number called “As Bees Drown in Honey,” by Douglas Carter Beane.

“As Bees Drown in Honey” revolves around two main characters. Evan is a young writer who, after several failed attempts at being published, is finally getting recognition for his work. He poses for a magazine shoot and a fabulous creature named Alexa Vere de Vere enters his life like a whirlwind. Alexa knows everyone, gets everything, and wants the newly published author to write a screenplay about her life.

During a recent interview, Garrett revealed exactly why he chose this tantalizing show. “I liked what [the show] had to say about our culture,” he said. “Today we are so obsessed with celebrities and what they’re doing and where they’re going. It’s hard not to get wrapped up in the fantasy. He added, ““One of the things I really like about the show is how the first act goes by so quickly.”

In the act, Alexa takes Evan to New York City’s most amazing venues, buys him clothes, introduces him to everyone who is anyone. Evan gets lost in the tempest.

“In the second act,” revealed Garrett, “Evan really must piece together what happened in the first act and ask himself what was the truth.”
Evan relives certain scenes by moving between the past and the present and begins to understand what was really going on as he was being whipped about NYC. Garrett believes that the transitions in time pull the audience in and keep them wanting more.

“There’s much going back and forth in Evan’s mind and the process is very interesting when you do it on stage,” said Garrett. “You can light up one actor and only then do you understand what she was really saying and what was actually going on.”

Alexa steals Evan away in the night and convinces him, for a time, that he is this stunning creature despite the fact that he may not have begun his life as one. When he questions the authenticity of the exciting existence, Alexa simply replies, “You’re not the person who you were born. Who wonderful is?”

According to Garrett, that quote calls to his mind images of Cary Grant ~ a man whom Garrett feels “created” himself and his persona.

“[Grant] was a cockney circus performer!” Garrett said. “He recreated himself into this suave screen heartbreaker. And Grant was the first to say, ‘I created this.’”

The cast consists of 4 cast members in addition to the actors who play Evan and Alexa. The four play the roles of every individual whom the two encounter. The cast is a strong, vibrant and talented mix of people, some of whom have played Foothills before and some who are new to its stage.

“As Bees is Honey Drown” is not for the person who likes to sit back and zone out as the evening unfolds. Garrett believes that the audience will be coming to different conclusions at the same pace as Evan’s character. But he’s pleased with this stage play of twists and turns.

“I hate seeing shows or plays in which you already know exactly where the plot is going,” Garrett said. “Of course, we cater to the audience, but I don’t want everything to be easy and safe.”

“As Bees in Honey Drown” is showing at Worcester’s Foothills Theatre from October 20 to November 11. Go to for ticket information.