Roller Derby is Skating Your Way
By Kimberly Dunbar

Like most grade school kids, Vanessa Mathieu went to Skylite on Park Ave. in Worcester for birthday parties and to hang out on the occasional weekend. But unlike the other kids, Mathieu was still hung up on the sport when the others were hanging up their skates.

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Mathieu has been a member of the Pioneer Valley Roller Derby team since October 2006.

“I loved the sport when I was a kid and have had renewed interest in it since it’s resurgence at the beginning of the decade,” said Mathieu, a Worcester native. “The game has changed a lot since I watched it the 70s and 80s but the thrill is the same whether you’re a spectator or a player.”

Mathieu said it was that thrill that drew her to the sport. “It’s really unlike any other sport I’ve seen or been involved with,” she said. That’s for sure. During each bout, there are three 20 minute periods, and each round in the bout lasts two minutes. Each team starts with four players in a pack and a “jammer” lined up behind. The goal of the jammer is to pass through the pack as many times as possible within the jam. The goal of the pack is to try to prevent the opposing team’s jammer from breaking through the pack and also to facilitate their own jammer through the pack. Once having broken through, the jammers skate around the track to catch up to the pack again. Points are scored for each opposing player the jammer passes upon the second pass. The team with the most points at the end of the bout wins. Did I forget to mention the hip-checking and elbowing that goes on as the teammates sacrifice their bodies for the sport ~ and a win?

Founded in December 2005, Pioneer Valley Roller Derby was the first organization in the “new school” Derby revival to offer both men’s and women’s teams. Members of the team train hard three times a week in Northampton, where the organization is based.

“Roller Derby is a real sport,” said Mathieu. “You have to train hard, devote your time and take it seriously. I think a lot of people have this dreamy idea of what a ‘roller girl’ is. What we are, are dedicated athletes with a penchant for fishnets.”

Mathieu loves the camaraderie of the sport as well as the fast-paced nature of it all. Her advice to interested fans: “Hold onto your hats, you’re in for a wild ride.”

Check out for more info on the game, upcoming bouts and events, and a Lego demonstration of the Roller Derby rules.