Bored at work? Have you completely exhausted the typical goof-off sites? Tired of sitting in your cube endlessly scrolling through myspace, youtube, facebook, and thepulsemag (shameless plug)? Need more to quiet your ADD? . . . Seriously? Wow . . . I can’t believe you get paid . . . where do you work?! Email me an application. But first, check out these sites If you don’t want to get pumped, stay away. This is easily the sweetest site about ninjas. Ever. In the world. It’s also the most educational, e.g. ninjas are mammals. Learn something useful at work for a change ~ like facts about Chuck Norris. The legend of Chuck Norris is growing, rivaling that of Paul Bunyan and Mike Ditka. Learn the facts(?) so you have stories to tell your kids: “Chuck Norris doesn’t read – he just stares them down until he gets the information he wants” and “Chuck Norris wears condoms inside out so he gets all the pleasure.” Spend a couple hours trying to find the limit of what this guy in a chicken suit will do. Then ponder how long this guy must have spent in the chicken suit . . . I mean, he (come on, it’s a guy, no girl would subject herself to this) does the electric slide. Ridiculous. But awesome. Stare in awe at some of the most righteous coifs ever to be intentionally worn. Then rate it, Ebert. You can pretend you don’t love this site, but you will. You take your goofing off seriously? Here’s one for you. Simple games, hours of fun. Your boss will think that you’re staying late because you’re a dedicated employee ~ not because you’re an addicted mouse jockey. Send your loved ones monkey-grams. Honestly, who doesn’t love talking monkeys? Plus, the site is affiliated with, so when you get fired for spending all day emailing primates to your co-workers, you’ll be halfway to a new job. This one will help you figure out why you’re having such a bad day . . . This site has a clutter of distractions for your perusal: games, puzzles, jokes… all slightly more entertaining than analyzing spreadsheets. Tired of shaking your computer and screaming, “What do you want from me?!” when it freezes up or fails to save the last thing you worked on for hours? Well, here’s a completely different reason to shake your computer and plead for directions. If frustrating puzzle games are your thing (think Myst), then give this a try. Anger management sold separately. Not challenged enough at work? Give your brain a workout. Think of this as constructive slacking off. Daydreaming of ways to fritter away your new raise? Design your new house with this neat little site.