By Armeney Derderian

4 Degrees Warmer knows how to turn up the heat!

OK, so get this ~ When I looked at the directions the guys of 4DW had sent me, I got the strange feeling that I was is a scene from something like Texas Chainsaw Massacre …lots of dark side roads, notes like “you won’t see any houses for miles,” and the final destination, a red barn. Seriously. Have to admit, I was a little nervous heading out to this red barn in the middle of the dark woods to meet a bunch of guys, but lucky for you, I’m just crazy enough to do it…and it’s a good thing, since without my bravery, you wouldn’t be getting the chance to meet 4 Degrees Warmer!

4DW is a tough but loving group of guys who never seem to tire of crude jokes and awesome sounds. The Red Barn, which in fact isn’t a creepy horror film setting but instead the location of their band practices, was screaming with Pantera when I arrived. The band itself consists of six, count ‘em, SIX members: Matt McDermott (vocals), William Whalen (guitar), Andrew Saphier (drums), Leland Koehler (guitar), Dan (bass), and Imri (vocals). What’s this?! Two Vocalists and two guitars? Who do these guys think they are? They’re awesome, that’s what they are. Their sound immediately gets your head rocking. Had I been at a mosh-friendly entertainment venue, I probably would have started thrashing about, too (that’s right people, even we journalists know how to throw down and have a little fun sometimes!).

With most of the band originally hailing from small towns in the Carlisle/Concord area, it really didn’t surprise me when they mentioned that they all played the guitar. And when I say “all,” I mean all six guys. They’ve also all been part of other bands, and each parted ways from previously projects due to artistic differences. No matter, because they would all stumble upon The Red Barn, a glorious combination of duct tape, about a billion amps, and more than its share of beer. These guys, this group of men who can’t put together a coordinated outfit to save their lives (eh-hem, Matt? A plaid hat, striped shirt, and checkered shoes? Really now.) and love beer nearly as much as their music (Leland, you are forgiven for the Natural Ice) play their instruments so hard and so pure that nothing else around them…or you…matters. For those few minutes of each song, they are the music and you are the music.

“Our music won’t make your ears bleed, and [it] definitely won’t put you to sleep, but we do satisfy all tastes in between. In our music, we reflect the everyday inner struggles and advances; some days are good and some days are bad, but they are never dull or boring,” explained Matt McDermott.

Matt, truer words have never been spoken, your music definitely is not dull or boring…Check out 4 Degrees Warmer on March 4th at the Lucky Dog to see just what I mean! If for some reason you can’t make the Lucky Dog show, promise me that you’ll check the daily so you can be sure to catch their next show!!