Exercising off Those Bathing Suit Blues

Exercising off those Bathing Suit Blues

The Perfect Ten
Basically, there are about ten muscle groups you’ll need to work out to achieve that sculpted, bathing-suit friendly figure. In the upper body, they are the chest, the upper back, the biceps, the triceps, and the shoulders. In the lower body, we have the calves, the hamstrings (the back of the legs), the quadriceps (the front of the legs), and the gluteal muscles (yup, your butt). And finally, we have the “core” muscles ~ the abdominals and the lower back.

The Terms
Most of us know the basic terminology, but it’s probably a good idea to do a quick review before we dive in to the exercises themselves: A repetition (“rep”) is one performance of an exercise (i.e. one pushup), a set is a given number of reps performed in sequence (i.e. ten pushups is one set of ten reps), and an exercise is a certain motion designed to place stress on a certain muscle or muscle group. “To failure” means that you continue with an exercise until you can no longer safely execute another repetition. Training to muscle failure is critical to getting the most out of your work-outs. And just a reminder, it’s always a good idea to rest for about one to two minutes in between sets.

Water, Water…Everywhere…
Yup, it’s hot outside, but heat is no excuse for not working out. You just have to be sensible and remain well hydrated. Keep a water bottle by your side and make sure to keep drinking in between sets. Steer clear of sports drinks – they contain a lot of added sugar and will undermine your entire fat-burning program.

Hang in there…On the 7th Day, We Rest…I Promise
Here’s a basic 6-day program that will whip your body into shape and make you feel good about heading out in something slightly more revealing than your winter coat. Naturally, make adjustments where necessary to take into consideration your own fitness level. Remember to gently stretch your muscles before, during, and after each workout; it’s only fair, since you’re asking a lot from them. As always, be sure to consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.

Days 1 and 5
3 sets of pushups, each set to failure. Remember, “to failure” means that you can’t safely perform another rep, so the actual number of reps is dictated by your own fitness level.

If you can find a bar to use for doing chin-ups, great: Do three sets of these, too, each to failure.

If you can’t find a bar, find a sturdy chair. Put one knee on the seat of the chair; for balance, lean forward and rest the palm of your hand (right knee, right hand or left knee, left hand) on the seat, too. Try to keep your back straight and your focus forward. With your opposite hand (your “free” hand), pull something moderately heavy like a dumbbell or a gallon of water from the floor towards the side of your body. The movement (“rep”) is completed when your knuckles are close to and about level with your ribs. Controlling your muscles, lower your item to the floor and repeat…to failure. This exercise will work your upper back.

Next, head into one set of about 25 crunches. Your goal here is to “preexhaust” your abs for the tough stuff ahead.

Finally, it’s time for some serious lower ab work. For this exercise, you only need a floor. Lie down and place your hands under your butt. Press your lower back into the floor (to avoid putting undue stress on the back), straighten your legs, and lift your feet to about 6 inches off the floor…and hold them there for a count of 30 ~ and no rushing, be sure to make it a slow count of 30! Repeat the whole shebang for about 3 sets.

Days 2, 4 and 6
It’s time for cardio. Feel like some fresh air? Head outside for a 2 mile walk or run. Still not ready to face the world? Get yourself to a treadmill. Indoors or out, you’re looking at 2 miles.

Day 3
Ah, variety, the spice of life. Perform 3 sets of lunges to failure. If you’re in an especially ambitious mood, use something that adds additional weight to both arms ~ you can hold a dumbbell in each hand, two copies of War and Peace, whatever you like. Lunges are an excellent exercise because they target the quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals and calves all at once. Try to get the heel of your extended leg down as close as possible to the floor. Just make sure that you maintain muscle control and don’t allow your lunges to be sudden or jerky – that spells danger for your muscles. And now, finish up with the lower ab work that finished up Days 1 and 5.

Day 7
OK, as promised, here it is, your Day of

Go, You!
You may now congratulate yourself. You’ve officially earned the right to gloat and to wear that skimpy new bathing suit
or tank top and shorts. Go ahead, take a peek in the mirror. This time you’ll like what you see ~ and so will everyone else! Damian is a United States Army Fitness Leader with over 15 years of experience in boxing and martial arts.