By Dawn Fenton
The 2008 International Modeling and Talent Association (IMTA) took place in New York City July 20 through 26. Worcester’s own Karon Shea Model Management / LaFemmina Modeling Center were in attendance with 20 of their top models. They walked away with 100 awards and over 100 callbacks. Considering that this is Shea’s first time participating in the IMTA, the results were nothing short of stellar.
“I am so proud,” said Shea in a recent telephone conversation with Pulse. “This really put us on the map. We went from ‘Kay-RON Shea from Worcester, Massachusetts’ at the beginning of the week to [an enthusiastic] ‘Karon Shea from Worcester, Mass!’ by the week’s end.”
The winners included Male Fitness Model of the Year Tim LaFave, who also came out on top in the monologue, fashion print and runway competitions, not to mention first runner-up in sitcom and TV beauty and second runner-up in theatrical headshots and Male Actor of the Year. LaFave, who just relocated to California after signing with an agency right from the IMTA, had a total of 28 talent and modeling agents take an interest in him ~ including the E! Channel.
Ana Valverde was first runner-up for “TV Real People” and snagged fourth runner-up in entertainment host, fashion print and TV beauty. James Stanton, a runway first runner-up, also captured fourth place in the sitcom competition. Other winners included Andrew McGuiness who won honorable mention in fashion print, first runner up in entertainment host and fourth runner up in monologue. Brandon Phillips secured second runner-up in TV beauty.
“To have so many winners our first time out was just amazing,” said Shea. “Many of them will be returning to L.A. in January for the next part of the competition.”
The IMTA is comprised of leading modeling and talent training centers and agencies that take part in the professional promotion of the fashion and talent industry. The panel consists of more than 400 talent and fashion agents, casting directors and other industry professionals who work as judges in the week long international event. Men, women and children of all ages came from across the United States, Europe, Asia and Canada to participate in the semi-annual event that took place at the Hilton.
Agents from across the globe were present and searching for the next new talent. The scouts included representatives from organizations like Elite, IMG, New York Models, Ikon, KSA, Abrams Artists, Coast to Coast and numerous others.
IMTA states on its web site that contracts are signed and careers are launched for many of the IMTA contestants. Karon Shea Modeling certainly left its mark on the event. We’re hopeful to report on a whole new round of winners in the next leg of the competition!
For more information on Karen Shea Model Management, go to
Pics: (models from top to bottom) Tim LaFave, Ana Valverde, Brandon Phillips, & Andrew McGuiness
The success at IMTA was due to the genuine talent of these participants and the stellar work of the program’s director, Mark Lund, who has extensive experience in the entertainment industry. Ask the four whose photographs are featured.
Hello! This is Ana
Thanks Lois! I absolutely agree with you. None of us would be where we are had it not been for Mark’s incredible expertise with this industry and his unfailing dedication and advice to all of us, even after the program’s end. I am so incredibly grateful to him!
Hello, this is Andrew McGuinness, and I just came across this article! IMTA was just a great experience and without the help of Mark Lund and Karon Shea we would not be where we are today. I, as well as Ana, am very grateful to them both for guiding us to such success. I also want to thank Pulse Magazine for supporting our successes. As far as me, I am living in LA now and have a new feature film coming soon called The Moon Under Glass (view trailer at, also you can follow the movie on Facebook and Twitter. Plus, I am working on my own feature in collaboration with Jayson T. Stonne ( Thank you to everyone, and much luck to all our future endeavors.
Andrew McGuinness